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Henry Draper´s Medal


Hi all,
did anyone of you ever think about Henry Draper´s Medal ?
Is it okay with +0,05 Reflex ??? Or shall it mean 0,05 Reflex per Level ????

Did anyone ask in support??
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I'll have to ask you to read this thread before posting any question here, specially this part:

If you think you have encountered a bug, and a search yields no information, please create a new issue in the bug tracker


but.... xShteff ...... it´s very hard to create a bug in the right format here .... and before I do I wanna know if anyone asked same question or bug before.
So real sorry for not doing it the way you want - but Forum dies with those regulations :(


but.... xShteff ...... it´s very hard to create a bug in the right format here .... and before I do I wanna know if anyone asked same question or bug before.
So real sorry for not doing it the way you want - but Forum dies with those regulations :(
Well it's a format that I'll have to follow myself whenever I have to report the bug to our devs. In some cases (like this one for example) I guess you could avoid some fields, and post only what's happening right now (ex: Medal gives 0.05 reflex) and what would you expect to happen (ex: Medal should give 0.05 reflex per level), since information such as your browser, OS, screen resolution and reproduction steps are quite irrelevant (again, only in this case). Anyway the bug has been reported and apparently fixed, hopefully it'll be deployed with the next update.
And let's face it, the forum wasn't much active before this format came here either :p.