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Halloween sale


Octoberfest horse riding sets are in the game files, so it will definitely be available soon. I'm just wondering why they aren't there yet, the same with Lucilla set, it's a bit weird, I think there will be some information in a few days.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
Octoberfest horse riding sets are in the game files, so it will definitely be available soon. I'm just wondering why they aren't there yet, the same with Lucilla set, it's a bit weird, I think there will be some information in a few days.
Maybe Black Friday


Master Sergeant
Letschert Lucille's sale was on November 14th, 2022. November 24th, 2023 is for the Western Friday set and what else they put in

Take a look in the forum. There you can see the information about sales etc.