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Answered General question about why TW-DB aren't allowed?


TW-DB got this marked in red on their site

'Warning: Especially the most recently added information presented on this site might still be subject to change by game developers. Please keep in mind that TW-DB is not an official source'

Can you guys please allow pete to show the new items/etc
OR atleast let him use the item's in the Clotch calc atleast on the beta servers?

This is just ridiculos and TW-DB has been a 'part' of the west
for a couple of years now. (I know that tw-db isn't innos site)
The-West isn't the same without tw-db..


TW is a support site... and you don´t need the new clothes on tw to find out if they are good or not.

Just check your store or the market and see if they are better than the ones you are using.

I like tw for compiling the quests... but 99,99999999999999999999999% of the fun of making the quests and finding out what they are, has been gone for so long... probably that´s why only a handful of people are making the new quests on the beta worlds. Because they don´t want to keep reading the texts and using there heads to find the answers.

So wait for the 2.09 to be realeased on the normal servers and you can play normally... and you know what Beta means don´t you? (in any case... there is a red warning on the main page)


The West Team
Dev Team
It's not ridiculous to us when we have thousands of upset players who feel "misled" and "betrayed" when they read something on TW-DB that isn't true. It's also not particularly ridiculous to those who want to complete quests with thought and excitement, without being at a competitive disadvantage. I'm also quite sure that no-one finds it ridiculous when a userscript error causes a gamebreaking bug, or even a moderate annoyance. You may have a different opinion, by all means keep it, but keeping pre-release information off all external sites is an action taken by popular demand.


I really dont understand why some of you are a such a hurry. The new stuff is only on beta so far. You can see them in the shops. It is soon enough to get them on TW-DB when they ar released to the normal worlds.


I really dont understand why some of you are a such a hurry. The new stuff is only on beta so far. You can see them in the shops. It is soon enough to get them on TW-DB when they ar released to the normal worlds.

People love to get ahead and start to make money to buy only the 3-4 pieces that they can add to there clothes. And to have 100% sure on what they need to do on a quest... :D Reading the texts ingame is too troublesome... and using there heads to find out what it´s needed, that will not happen.
:D with the new quests i already saw some "pearls"... like trying to find soldier graves... doing the Preacher and complaining that they can´t get the thing the quest asks for. And there was that event a few months ago, when there where 10 or less people trying to find it and the others just say "When tw gets the information i will do it".

Like i say, tw is good for compiling the quests... but makes them so easy that people don´t even read the texts (remember the part 2 of the main story? People didn´t know what Shoe likes to eat... many where getting there and where asking if someone found out what did the coyote likes to eat).


Tw.db is a great job, no doubt, everybody knows. InnoGames even don´t have this feature (should have it!). This is a fact.

Now, InnoGames should be make a job like that, and not killing it.
Or, buy the tw.db and continue the good work.

So simply.
