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Fort skills


I tested some fort builds in real battles and maneuver too, and i saw something.The points in real battle are diferent than in maneuver. same skills,same gear,same fort. an example here : real battle 86,68.21,0 maneuver 94,75.21,0 .Can someone explain me why?what is the purpose of a maneuver if not the testing forts builds?
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I tested some fort builds in real battles and maneuver too, and i saw something.The points in real battle are diferent than in maneuver. same skills,same gear,same fort. an example here : real battle 86,68.21,0 maneuver 94,75.21,0 .Can someone explain me why?what is the purpose of a maneuver if not the testing forts builds?

Probably in real battle you got a bonus from GG or Collector set:whistle:


Probably in real battle you got a bonus from GG or Collector set:whistle:

? did you read my post?same gear ,same skills,same ... all. Who told you that in maneuver you dont get the same bonus than in real battle? :confused: What collector set have something to do with that i'm asked? :confused: I was hoping to get a response from a GM.


Private First Class
colt, how about different players and different number of players in real and manoeuvre ?
then you get different (sector) bonusses ..
that is what *Marian* is trying to tell you i think ...


colt, how about different players and different number of players in real and manoeuvre ?
then you get different (sector) bonusses ..
that is what *Marian* is trying to tell you i think ...

that's what i ment:)


an example here : real battle 86,68.21,0 maneuver 94,75.21,0 i get less points in real battle,what GG bonuses you talking about?there is no such thing, was before when with 10 GG's in one sector win the fight,not anymore. and even beeing that,i should get more poins,not less!! (i did't see no one with Collector's set on,so i dont think you get the bonuses having that in your inventory)
I reapeat myself,i did this test with SAME gear,SAME skills,SAME spot,NO buffs ... Its like someone steal my points in real battles.
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maybe you should calculate it this way ;)

o btw this means that you would have a bonus of 20,075.042 without any sector bonuses and with the cloths you are currently equipped or the default bonus

the calculation ;)

But you still not answer at my question, why this diference in maneuver and in real battles?

Sector Attack Bonus is the aim bonuses provided by the structures (if any)
Sector Defense Bonus is the dodge bonuses provided by the structures (if any)
Special Bonuses are additional bonuses provided by structures (ie Tower Class Bonus)

So, like i say,no player give me other bonuses (GG,CS...etc) only structures and sectors,ok. maneuver (i'm on DT) i have 94,75.21,0,real battle (i'm on DT) i have 86,68.21,0 . Can you explain this?


well I don't know everything about the battle for example
how many players were their? what were their classes? how much leadership skills do they have? are you standing on the same location and what level was this structure?

it are allot of stuff that can influence it


Hmm... i will run some more test,see if i did something wrong or what.