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Fort battle Spam Policy - Discussion


Staff Sergeant
Limiting the fort battles, but there are achievements which require 3750 battle :D

Versus →Fort BattlesGeneral of the armyParticipate in 3750 fort battlesLincoln's cannon

Versus →Fort BattlesLegend of Fort battlesWin 2500 fort battlesTitle: General350

Like Artem said, it's useless. The cost to make a battle is doubling... so why is this policy? If some player dont know which is the main fight because there are two at the same time, that's his problem lol
But limiting the number of fort fights is a joke
Unfortunately, the fort has no value in the current gameplay. After the battle, it will be returned by the attackers anyway... :D


Master Sergeant
If you don't change the mechanics of the game, such regulations will be useless and the decisions made completely arbitrary. There are a lot of loopholes in these rules, but it is understandable, the mechanics of the game allow it.


The policy is good, the problem is certain elements of the community trying to be smart-arses and abusively spam-digging every 3 hours because that's what the rules say you can do.

But that's such a small-picture view. Our volunteer mods now not only have various powers, but also the policy, to back up actions against players that try to reduce the quality of Fort Battles that a large number of players wish to participate in.

The literal only reason in the entire game to own a fort, is to have fort battles with it. Worlds with high quality battles are the only ones worth playing on, so it's actually important to give the teams the power to preserve that against bad-faith actors.
Of course the policy is now being tested by these bad-faith players - if we're smart this will make it better.


If consider it as quality battles, could only put 4 fixed forts on the map, including Awesomia, so that players also do not have indirectly abusive and offensive renaming against a player.

Like other games, the battle system has specific schedules, such as a global boss with rewards.


If consider it as quality battles, could only put 4 fixed forts on the map, including Awesomia, so that players also do not have indirectly abusive and offensive renaming against a player.

Like other games, the battle system has specific schedules, such as a global boss with rewards.
Nah that's a bad idea, Fort Battles happen when leaders are available. It's as simple as that.
For example, event Awesomia battles are often very low quality, in part because it wasn't organised by players and usually doesn't have leaders for both sides.

Every world has a slightly different preference for Prime Time, and it's entirely because of different leaders having different preferences for different days of the week, depending on who booked to dig that day. Key players/leaders take breaks all the time.
If we hardcore schedule battles it's going to drastically decrease the quality of the fights, because they are no longer community-organised.

Maybe it's something worth trying on a world that has already completely died, like one-per-week Awesomia battle.
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Staff Sergeant
You think that's what this policy is about? :njub:
Read it again, it's to stop low quality spam that kills battles on a world that isn't dead yet.
It cant kill the battles... if someone is noob and cant read the telegramm from the leader that which is the main battle and later complains about the battle , then its his problem what deserve


It cant kill the battles... if someone is noob and cant read the telegramm from the leader that which is the main battle and later complains about the battle , then its his problem what deserve
That is certainly one opinion, but all of the data and all of the experience says otherwise, for example:

Las Vegas was a respectable mid-quality world, with battles every 2 days, although the low Battle Score indicates imbalanced sides:

The town of Blood Moon goes on a spamming-spree for 1 month, with a maximum of 9 attackers, and winning just 1 fort, which was taken back instantly:



This is the result:

More battles with fewer attendances, dropped the quality of the battles to the bottom of the rankings. Battles are now dead on this world, because of the month of spam battles. The .net team has intervened under the new policy, and IF things now go back to "normal" for this world, I think they can feel vindicated with their new policy. Time will tell, of course.

This is the kind of game-killing behaviour that this policy targets, and I support it 100% - because I've seen this kill too many worlds.
Now don't get me wrong, I actually don't mind if trash worlds decide to kill themselves and get closed, leading to consolidation of our fighters, and more importantly battle leaders. But many players want to keep playing on these dead worlds - this, at the very least, means griefers and trolls like this can't ruin their game - it's on the fort fighters to let it live or die on the quality of their battles alone.

It's obviously much better for a player that wants to get involved with battles to actually work with the fort community on any given world to get more than 7 attackers to your battles, leading to higher quality battles, then leading to more players wanting to join in, leading to higher quality battles...

Even on Colorado, the best fort world in the entire game - spam has a massive negative effect on the attendance and the quality of battles. I don't know why some players never read their telegrams, or topics, or forums, or anywhere we try to communicate, but it's just how it is - we always lose people to spam battles, then they get annoyed, then we tell them to read the instructions, then they get madder. :njub:

I'll agree though that it's not as much of a problem on a stable Prime world like Colorado that can literally still support two battles a day, as it is on a small vulnerable world like every other world in the game that I know anything about. This policy actually comes from Colorado, where we had problems with a player called Naughty Pumpkin, trying to do the same thing as Blood Moon, but over a much longer period of time - months multi-spam didn't kill Colorado, but it did decrease the quality and the participants substantially. It's not about stopping anyone from attacking a fort, it's not even about stopping multi battles. It's about preventing a drop in the quality and attendance that leads to a snowball of players quitting.
If you want to know what works long-term, simply look to Colorado.
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Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
I understand the whole idea about this , but there are many reasons for someone to attack a fort. It can be a strategic plan or it can be for achievement hunting or it can be just a normal fort battle.

I can agree that digging a battle yourself and not showing up yourself should be punishable.

I can also tell you a strategy. X town is a small town that doesn't work with any of the 2 main alliances in the X world. That small X town want's to make an impact on the server hence they will gather as many rogue towns as possible. Then dig multiple battles to confuse the main alliances and try to get at least 1 Fort under their name. This can happen 1-2-10 times , it doesn't necessarily kill the server, it makes it more interesting. Sure , the 2 main alliances can work together to stop the rogues but that doesn't mean they should be punished for spamming battles.

From these 2 alliances the main 2 leaders should have proper communication with their alliance to tell them what's happening and how they can go against this rebellion. If there isn't any proper communication then I'm sorry but you the leaders are very bad. You can't say you tried communicating with everyone if you haven't spammed someone by a whisper at least 20 times ( 10 times 1 day before the fight and 10 times at the day of the fight ) I honestly played for half a year in .net and I didn't see ANYONE do this which is the most effective way to communicate with someone that doesn't open for whatever reason the telegrams or the town forum, it sure is annoying but you have to become annoying so people can listen to you.

All I can say with full clearance, that the alliance leaders are doing a very bad job of controlling this spam battles and the diggers should not be at fault.