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Facebook @Managers


Hi devs, CM,

I know - you can not get rid of Facebook so also InnoGames takes part of it.
There is this Facebook like button on the start page so FB knows who I am - unfortunately I'm a also Facebook user in the meantime as some people just use FB for their connection to the world...
So - if I click on a world there is also a FB - connect.
Facebook now nows I had a look on the start page and also that I'm playing on world xyz...
Is this generally neccesary? I always tried to keep my private life out of the net. Also my FB account is limited to "friends" and the profile does not contain any private data.

So could you explain why you/we are connected in this way to FB?

@all others: keep serious please.


but they don't publish anything do they?

because you could block it in facebook