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Duel potion

Emma Swan

Is there ani possibility to change countdown 3-4 months instead of 6? Its honestly too long. You can use that potion, it will reset your duel level and after 3 weeks you have nobody to duel. Especially on older words. Being able to resept duel level every 3 months seems to me to be more efficient and dueling would be more fun.

Also, can you also do something with rising duel level so quickly. We dont have 1000 people playing one world anymore.... WE ARE BORED.


Lance Corporal
Noooo.... we must make duelling awful for everyone.... it must be a bad experience and waste of time... ...it must be extremely expensive and punishing to play... you must wait 6 months to have fun again...


so when InnoGames introduces a new way of making way more exp then just building.. all the builders go against it because they suck at dueling.
oh a dueler can make 120k exp per hour while a builder makes 5-15k random.. lets complain too InnoGames to make the potion stay as is ..

the point of that potion is to bring back dueling and another way of making exp..

im happy that i can make more exp dueling then building.. id rather duel then build 24-7 the stupid boring lifestyle

https://prnt.sc/JG7suB0maLxF -- thank you InnoGames very much for this.. but i still want potion to be 90 days.. 180 is way to long!!!..


they also made the mictecaci construction set extremely weak, so that we can only build to churches with higher level only with a full construction build. this is what InnoGames wants us all to build churches.