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Deleting account


I disapprove the recent evolution of the game, which is becoming too much oriented towards the profit of innogames. I therefore want to cancel my account.

Now, when I click on the delete button, I receive an error message saying: "You still have open auctions or items at the market".

Now, i don't have any items on sale, nor any bids still active. I only have a few dozens of items bought but not delivered and some money not reclaimed.

Now, i wonder if I have to spend hours to go to the different towns and recuperate the objects in order to be able to delete the account or if there is a more simple solution.

Note that i might buy some nuggets to recuperate the sold items, which i'm not willing to do.
And in any case (unless I'm mistaken somewere), innogames policies to delete an account (that it be compelling the user to invest money or a large amount of time), look to me as an infrigiment of the law in most countries.

I will be thanksful if you can help me if I've got something wrong, or for any suggestion you'll kindly give me.


they probably made it this way because of their inability of find more appropriate fix for abuse which is possible if you create afterwards new character and you can then collect items/cash from market of your previous character.


That's quite possible. Anyway, I have begun my trip and I should be able to get all the items by the evening.


if you deleting and quitting anyway, then check here:

you can exploit market bug to pickup all items without travelling to that town(s) and without use of nuggets.

And i hope you know bug using is strictly prohibited!


And i hope you know bug using is strictly prohibited!

ofcourse. i only tried it once for testing purpose.
since lukaras is deleting account anyway, why should he bother walking around to markets when he can initiate account deletion within 5 minutes.


Thanks again, I've managed to delete my account.

And, the worse thing that could have happened to me for illegally exploiting a bug, is that the GM's had deleted my account themselves :p


And i hope you know bug using is strictly prohibited!

so, that's why so many players are STILL playing who exploited the market but a few months back. LOL!

it not towards you personally, but i must admit that the game is getting stupid as the updates goes on.

i will really love to play the first version of this game, which i have not played. it must be real good considering the down rating of this yr.


if you don't know how punishing like this works it is better to say nothing about it.
this is still a BETA version, so for some things the punishment is another then on a normal game world.
who says that they didn't get a timed ban for that what they did?