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crafting products


I'm quack
and I want to know what value are prodcuts as the tinderbox or sulfur


i`m tonic peddle, sorry about my bad english i'm from spain
i ask the utility of products like tinderbox


oops.. forget that.
these products are of no use until now (beside from giving you a crafting skill point in the right levels).
But we all hope this will change sooner or later, so that they're actually needed for some new recipes or useful on it's own.

(tinder box: +50% speed. The horse's tail is burning ^^ )

Sorry, confused this thread with another one about really useless products :whistle:
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tinderbox is used by Tonic peddler in higher level recepies and by Master saddler in one recepie.

You will need them later so keep them


what can you do with things that ar e not needable for other crafting recipes or u can't use, for example an anvil


..now my answer from above come in quite handy ;)
these products are of no use until now (beside from giving you a crafting skill point in the right levels).
But we all hope this will change sooner or later, so that they're actually needed for some new recipes or useful on it's own.