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Conversion of HP into work points


Master Sergeant
As you probably know, HP builds are at a disadvantage to leadership builds, not just that META favors damage over HP (due to the high level and the way sector damage works), but they are also at disadvantage due to the fact that HP is not needed on jobs. Leadership is needed on most jobs, including church building. HP doesn't help while doing jobs either, because job damage is a percentage. My suggestion is that each point per HP gives certain work points, valid for both church building and jobs. 1 skill per HP could be worth 0.33 work points. It's not much, but it's "honest work". Now the construction skills from strength and work points from HP could equate construction points from charisma and leadership. Right now you have about 25% more work points for church with leadership build and you have much higher advantage on many new jobs. What do you think about this?


I would prefer devaluation of leadership in battles and extra bond rewards for dodges/hits taken

Richard Maverick

Lance Corporal
I always thought that the game tries to penalize those players full HP. InnoGames maybe just wants to encourage the player to use only the HP given by the sets, that way, battles would be more dynamic and maybe last fewer rounds.

If there's not HP punishment (in this case, the imposibility of making new jobs or duels more efficienly), defense would be broken just by filling the fort with 100+ tanks. That way is impossible for the attack to win.

I think is ok for HP to be the way it is. Maybe the intended way is to use he HP given by clothes, I honestly don't know

Edit: What I would do, to make the game more fun, is to increase the chance to hit, but lower the damage per hit. (I rather do 10/10 hits 200 damage each and not 2/10 1k each)


Private First Class
As you probably know, HP builds are at a disadvantage to leadership builds, not just that META favors damage over HP (due to the high level and the way sector damage works), but they are also at disadvantage due to the fact that HP is not needed on jobs. Leadership is needed on most jobs, including church building. HP doesn't help while doing jobs either, because job damage is a percentage. My suggestion is that each point per HP gives certain work points, valid for both church building and jobs. 1 skill per HP could be worth 0.33 work points. It's not much, but it's "honest work". Now the construction skills from strength and work points from HP could equate construction points from charisma and leadership. Right now you have about 25% more work points for church with leadership build and you have much higher advantage on many new jobs. What do you think about this?
you can just have a poison tester that scales with building, while offering hp points to convert to exp/money etc.

Richard Maverick

Lance Corporal
If you choose to play full leadership you still do it for forts, and not only you do have an advantage at fort battles in the current META, but you also have an advantage at church building and many jobs. It's all about fairness.
Yet you still can't fight single handedly in a FF, you need a tank to protect you, so is not that big of an advantage

HP must be penalized (leave it as it is), otherwise everyone would be full HP, and the attacks impossible to win (too much HP to take down, been there)