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Complete your Easter Sets 2024 - Discussion


Master Sergeant
If you have Bull's +1, you cared enough to upgrade the set. This horse set (Rolling's) is equivalent to Bull's +4, so yes, it's worth buying. I don't understand what you don't understand, it's quite simple.

Richard Maverick

Lance Corporal
No, I'm just saying that a few more skills are insignificant. With the HUMONGUS skillls that sets give today, +60 points are nothing. Moreover with this old formula that every point give less bonus than the last one.

At the end, rolling mounts or not rolling mounts, you won't notice any improvement at FF.


Master Sergeant
If you really want to compare the overall picture, do it properly. Maybe you personally don't feel the difference in every single fort battle, you are a single player, but if all the tanks participating in fort battles will have this horse set instead of Bull's, the difference would significant.

Emma Swan

Rolling looks good, it was supposed to be slightly weaker if I remember because I dont remember those numbers, but I may have just holes in my brain :D
Clothes Rolling give high HP {because again we were complaining and its a good thing to complain sometimes guys, no need to play drama queen when it comes to that}, obviously as we said many times its just reverse Leavenworth. Unless they change FF formula, these 2 mounts are going to be used very much for maybe 2 years (if the game wont die sooner tbh). I wills till keep saying that leavenworth clothes should be stronger at least with HP, but nevermind.....

I think mount had 130% regen now its 150% if I am not wrong, I like to see they listen sometimes and made % higher. Good mount but not needy if you use buffs, so very optional based on the pattern you play.

Tutt..... tutt tutt tutt.... I still have mixed feeling about that set in general. Was hoping they will make it as Basset 2.0 with HP so that player can tank or block something, one person mentioned new zapata and they did zapata lol :DDD If you want full bonus from this set, or 1 person needs to have it at once, or whole set divided to 3 players. Meaning Player wearing mount and clothes can go dmg with high upgraded gun, like captain or murrieta, and be extremely good. But whoever is going to use guns which are difficult to upgrade even on 1 will be in looser category. I know whynot doesnt like me but sorry I am not from server where FF is 120 vs 100 people for more than 6 years. So my view is based on those factors as well. You can combine that set but going to FF with full Tutt set is nonsense. So I wanna say unless some people dont have multi sibling harvesting player that will send it with guns, there is high chance you wont have full 17 def sector bonsu anyeay but 12. The problem is that if 2 players have it in def, and 1 enough in sector att, its kinda 0 bonus to be honest. Its exactly the same as FF was before. They were suppose to make 1 attack buffer and after that see how it goes and make 1 def buffer.

Now its time to make proper sets for workers because they are trying to keep up with sets for soldiers and delers for ages.
Emma why dont you join worlds where there is 100+ on each side? Nowadays with sets you can easily get high level fast. Or stay low level with dueller and deal good damage with vaquero on ff like you say.

Emma Swan

Emma why dont you join worlds where there is 100+ on each side? Nowadays with sets you can easily get high level fast. Or stay low level with dueller and deal good damage with vaquero on ff like you say.
Honestly? Why start new world when its dead by christmas? and after I saw Murrieta upgraded on 5 in 3 months old world, kinda lost interest. And I didnt say low level duelist with vaquer deal great dmg, but that is misses until it hits and booom crit as usual. Usually, when duelist miss many rounds after each other, suddenly comes crit, sometimes 2-3 after each other. But maybe one day ........ :)