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Complete your Easter Sets 2024 - Discussion


I think the Tutt horse set should have more dodging? it's got less than the Zapata right now. Maybe they should up the resistance too?


Master Sergeant
It says that this is just an Easter event and not a regular sale.

I'm in a clinch, what should I buy? Question after question :njub: Davis and Rolling or or or :njub:


Whole rolling items much better than leaven set. However mount set has the same hiding/setting traps rate and significantly less HP. Not upgrade on also resistance and exp bonus. I think HP could be higher.


Master Sergeant
You get extra dodging and leadership for that "lost" hp (compared to Leavenworth's horse set). They are on par with each other. And it's a good thing, the clothes and the weapon set are overpowered. Funny thing is that Rolling's horse set was even weaker until someone gave feedback :whistle:


I think the Tutt horse set should have more dodging? it's got less than the Zapata right now. Maybe they should up the resistance too?
It is clearly done not to advantage workers.

Bull mount set give more HP more hiding more defense bonus at lvl 150 than the new Rolling
Not true at all.

i see no reason to buy rolling if will not be ajusted
Lol.... I honestly ask myself how you guys conceive the game. When things are broken, you cry. When things are balanced, you cry. What do you want to add to this set? More HP? More defence? More resistence? Ok, sure... come fight on my server

I'll tell you something, in my server we already surpassed 1.2kk hp for each team in small forts. Small, not even medium or big. How tf do you think battles will end if even more hp will be added to the current situation? Rounds are limited...

Whole rolling items much better than leaven set. However mount set has the same hiding/setting traps rate and significantly less HP. Not upgrade on also resistance and exp bonus. I think HP could be higher.
No, it could not. Clothes and weapons give enough HPs.

You get extra dodging and leadership for that "lost" hp (compared to Leavenworth's horse set). They are on par with each other. And it's a good thing, the clothes and the weapon set are overpowered. Funny thing is that Rolling's horse set was even weaker until someone gave feedback :whistle:
You are my only beacon of light in this forum. Thank you.


But clothes and weapon set are free. Mount set not.

Is this set designed for soldiers? less hp but more leadership.


Master Sergeant
I suppose they just didn't want to copy paste Leavensworth's bonuses :lol:
You lose a bit of hp, you gain a bit of defense (from dodging and leadership), they're pretty much the same. And yes, it's technically slightly better for soldiers, but the difference is so small that it is irrelevant. The set is best in slot for all classes that play as a tank.


Master Sergeant
If you compare the full sets, yes. If only compare the horse sets...it's different.

Rolling's +1 is better than Bull's +5. How much money would cost Bull's +5? Way more than Rolling's +1.

Richard Maverick

Lance Corporal
If you compare the full sets, yes. If only compare the horse sets...it's different.
Are you going to FF with the entire set or only with the horse set?

We need to see how much is the improvement with the full set

If it costs 1000 nugg to just improve an extra 4.5 (giving that a worker specialized can get to 300 bonus or more), is not worth it


Master Sergeant
With the full set, full build, sector damage bonus, sector defense bonus, sector attack bonus, tower bonus, distance penalty, with an extremely annoying random and with everything that comes with fort battles, but why would you compare 2 horse sets in the context of full sets? In this case, keep all your items unupgraded, as the upgrade is not justified. The differences between individual items seem insignificant when you compare the full picture, but that's not really the case. If you also want to upgrade something, compare properly, clothes set to clothes set, horse sets to horse sets, weapon sets to weapon sets, etc.

Richard Maverick

Lance Corporal
I deisagree, you have to compare the big picture. Is the only thing that the game cares.

If you compare horse set to horse set yes, it gives +41 dodging +60 leadership. But what does that mean?? Is it good? Is it bad? Is it worth it?
To answer that you have to see the big picture, that means, see the full set, +60 leadership may be nothing if the rest of the set gives +1 million leadership, or may be significant if it gives +10 leadership

So yes, is better to compare full set to full set (with the sames variables obviously) to see if it's worth it