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Class descriptions

  • Thread starter DeletedUser3458
  • Start date


I have the adventurer class and in the description it said I have a 10% better chance of finding items and products but so far I only see like a 2 or 3% boost if that.


yes, it sounds way better then it is.

it's actually 10% of base chance to find. so if product has drop chance of 20%, additional 10% is actually 2%.


wow what a waste of a trait they need to change that misleading description


it's correct.

You have 10% more.
20 % ==> 20% x 1.1 = 22%
60 % ==> 60% x 1.1 = 67%

and not

you have 10 points more

20 % ==> 20% + 10 = 30 %
60 % ==> 60% + 10 = 70 %