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Changes in adventures


Master Sergeant
Adventures were abandoned long time ago and the number of players has dropped drastically, but with some simple changes this can be changed. Even with only one game mode, there are plenty of people who would like to play, but the lack of rewards and other issues I will detail in the following lines prevent this.

Changes that adventures need, starting with the easiest to implement and ending with the most difficult to implement:

  • HP's aiming and dodging penalty is too high
Strength and multiplayer defence increase your HP, but reduce your aiming and dodging chances quite drastically. I don't know the formula, it's not public, but it seems to me that when playing with guns and MP defense sets, the player misses a lot and doesn't dodge almost at all. And playing with high HP means you lose damage anyway because you can't have both high Strength and multiplayer defense and high Dexterity and multiplayer attack, so HP becomes almost useless. The HP penalty should be decreased.

  • Charisma increases crit chance too much
Since the max level was increased from 150 to 250 and with the weapons from the last few years offering so many attributes everyone deal critical hits, even those with dexterity/mobility based guns (like Chef's Knives) deals almost always critical hits. Those with 14-15 Charisma deal 100% critical hits and that makes high Charisma guns and upgrades of those weapons useless, because you can't get past 100%. The chance of critical hits provided by charisma should be lowered.

  • The Veteran Shop needs new items
It's been a while since the veteran shop has been updated. New prizes are needed to encourage players to play adventures, the main reason they don't play is because there are no relevant rewards. New items are needed in the shop. A new set, new buffs, maybe some chests containing random items from past years, anything useful would work.

Xp/bonds bonus at the end of adventures would be useful. Increasing the number of bonds you get for daily activity for playing adventures could increase from 1 to 5. Something needs to be done to encourage players to play adventures.

  • Matchmaking improvements
It's nothing new that matchmaking is very poor. One of the reasons is the low number of players, but it is not the only one. The main factor that is taken into account is the level of the player, not the items, and two players of the same level can have very different items. One may have a set +0, another +2, one may even have a completely useless working set, another player a strong set +5 etc. In order to resolve these discrepancies between teams, it would be ideal to have the set with which you participate in adventures saved in a separate submenu within the adventures menu. You choose a set from the items you have in your inventory and play adventures with those until you change them. This way the teams would be much more balanced and players will be able to build/duel/working without having to change the set for every adventures, because you can't change it if you duel or build a high level church or while working at high level jobs. That's another reason why people don't play adventures, they don't want to stop their jobs to play, and that would solve the problem.

  • Other improvements
An automatic system to sanction AFK players would be useful.

Having a party of 2 or 3 players would be fun.

Being able to play adventures between different markets would be great, but comes with many possible problems.

If only some of these changes would come next year, I'm sure the adventures would be popular and full of players again. Changes don't have to come all at once, they can come gradually. The first 2 changes I proposed (reducing the penalty caused by HP and lowering the critical chance offered by Charisma) are very easy to implement, updating the Veteran shop shouldn't be too difficult either. The other changes might be a bit more complicated, but not impossible to implement and would certainly be useful.

I look forward to your thoughts and possible additions.


Master Sergeant
This may be the new set from a new chest exclusive to veteran shop, all items should be auctionable. I will only mention adventures related stats. Multiplayer attack and multiplayer defense are referred here as attack and defense.

Set ItemStatsItemsSet bonus (cumulated)
Hat+1.5 attack
+0.75 defense
Neck+1.5 attack
+0.75 defense
2+2 attack
+1 defense
Body+1.5 attack
+0.75 defense
3+4 attack
+2 defense
Belt+1.5 defense
+0.75 attack
4+6 attack
+4 defense
Pants+1.5 defense
+0.75 attack
5+9 attack
+6 defense
Shoes+1.5 defense
+0.75 attack
6+12 attack
+8 defense
  • Total bonus for +0: 18.75 attack, 14.75 defense
  • Total bonus for +1: 22 attack, 18 defense
  • Moderately better than Perry's and Jackson Sundown's clothing sets, both being non-premium auctionable sets.
Set ItemStatsItemsSet bonus (cumulated)
Animal+5 attack
+0.75 defense
Yieald+5 defense
+0.75 attack
2+5 attack
+5 defense
  • Total bonus for +0: 10.75 attack, 10.75 defense
  • Total bonus for +1: 11.83 attack, 11.83 defense
  • Slightly better than Lucille's horse set, but slightly weaker than Perry's and Jackson Sundown's horse sets, last two sets being non-auctionable premium sets.
Set itemStatsItemsSet bonus (cumulated)
Melee+2 defense
+0.75 attack
Range+2 attack
+0.75 defense
2+2.5 attack
+2.5 defense
FortDamage 30 - 60
+2.25 Damage (per level)
+0.05 Strength (per level)
+0.05 Mobility (per level)
+0.055 Dexterity (per level)
+0.055 Charisma (per level)
+2 attack
+2 defense
  • Total bonus for +0 at lvl 175: 6.5 or 5.25 attack, 5.25 or 6.5 defense, 424-454 dmg, 9 STR, 9 MOB, 10 DEX, 10 CHA
  • Total bonus for +1 at lvl 175: 8.5 or 6.33 attack, 6.33 or 8.5 defense, 467-500 dmg, 10 STR, 10 MOB, 11 DEX, 11 CHA
  • Slightly better than Lucille's weapon set. If the fort riffle will be unauctionable, a buff is needed.


Master Sergeant
I would just remove that from game in general and add or Poker or Fort Fights across servers, could be 3 on 3, 5 on 5, etc. More people will play it. just sayin.....
One does not exclude the other. You can have both.
Also, nobody is forced to play adventures. Play only if you want. I have not proposed OP prizes (xp potions for example), just something useful that would stimulate enthusiasts to start playing again.
Adventures are not my favorite gamemode either, but the game has little to offer in terms of PvP so we have to improve what we can in gamemodes that already exist. We will not see other maps or gamemodes in adventures as promised a few years ago. But at least the changes I mentioned would be really useful.

the legit

Private First Class
Great topic WhyN0t, very spot on.

Just to add some ideas:

Personally, i'd also like to see InnoGames adding couple more different maps. While that certainly would be the most challenging to implement, having different possible maps on rotation would make for more fun and interesting games.

As for balance, I think you could copy FF and not allow for a shot to take more than 1/3 of the total hp. Lots of people feel discouraged because some guys can deal over 2000 per shot while some don't even have 1000 hp.

I'd also like to see the Char/Wep buffs to be ''toggleable''. Example: I always have Booby trap active for fortfights but its too expensive/time consuming to use it for MPI (adventures), so I just don't play as often as otherwise would because I don't want to consume it.
Keep the 1 active limitation, just let me toggle it, the same one, on and off. Activating a different one even while toggled off would still replace it.

Years back they also teased some PVE type adventure where you'd fight ''Npc bosses'' like the shown huge bear in one of the screenshots. Think that still could be fun if implemented well, like some type of weekly activity or challenge where you'd team up in a PVE adventure as a group to defeat a Boss for some rewards


Master Sergeant
I like your changes,@the legit, but I'm trying to be realistic, what I proposed can really be implemented easily (at least the first 3 sub-points). The game is no longer in its prime, if no new maps or new game mechanics have been added so far, the chances of them being implemented now are infinitesimal :(
You can analyze the updates from the last few years and you will understand what I'm talking about. I hope you don't misunderstand me, your proposals are good, but for a primetime The West.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
remove the option of choosing clothing
and give everybody the same gear
let level work the difference out
and with balance on teams according to level? most problems would be solved

  • HP's aiming and dodging penalty is too high
Strength and multiplayer defence increase your HP, but reduce your aiming and dodging chances quite drastically. I don't know the formula, it's not public, but it seems to me that when playing with guns and MP defense sets, the player misses a lot and doesn't dodge almost at all. And playing with high HP means you lose damage anyway because you can't have both high Strength and multiplayer defense and high Dexterity and multiplayer attack, so HP becomes almost useless. The HP penalty should be decreased.

  • Charisma increases crit chance too much
Since the max level was increased from 150 to 250 and with the weapons from the last few years offering so many attributes everyone deal critical hits, even those with dexterity/mobility based guns (like Chef's Knives) deals almost always critical hits. Those with 14-15 Charisma deal 100% critical hits and that makes high Charisma guns and upgrades of those weapons useless, because you can't get past 100%. The chance of critical hits provided by charisma should be lowered.

  • The Veteran Shop needs new items
It's been a while since the veteran shop has been updated. New prizes are needed to encourage players to play adventures, the main reason they don't play is because there are no relevant rewards. New items are needed in the shop. A new set, new buffs, maybe some chests containing random items from past years, anything useful would work.

Xp/bonds bonus at the end of adventures would be useful. Increasing the number of bonds you get for daily activity for playing adventures could increase from 1 to 5. Something needs to be done to encourage players to play adventures.
This is the only solution and I highly agree with everything written here. You really cant make players ditch their clothes , that will make even more players not participate in any ADV. Giving the extra rewards/better rewards , having an updated shop and balancing the skill damage issue it will make more players hooked up again.


Master Sergeant
The Union Pacific Shop still has Old Trues. Apart from Buffs there was nothing new! And lowering the price doesn't help either!

Loot Chest, Cook's Adventure Chest, Bob Dalton's Adventure Chest July 4th 2014, Bandit's Chest, Bandit's Weapon Chest, Outlaw's Chest and Herb Crate!

Card game will be hard to get if you don't want them for achievement! Should be sellable!

The sets are not improved nor useful. 100 years ago Yes now Stone Age age! Who else plays fk with Bandit Set? I tried it out and got really annoyed. And who takes Cook's set? Nobody else from the new world. Where's the appeal in playing adventure? Only Cook's set makes the rest cry!

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
Since I don't play many adventures because of GR not being very active, I have played plenty of games in the .net Holiday Speed , I had +3 Jackson Sundown weapon with 250 level with a weapon damage of 790-820 I was hitting other players with 1.8k - 2k damage but I was missing over 60% of my shots because Jackson Sundown gives a lot of points in HP and Dexterity, but when I tried playing with Mosey weapons +4 which gives only Mobility Dexterity and Charisma I was missing very rarely and I was hitting for even more damage 2k - 2.4k because of the increased weapon damage of mosey , I was hitting almost 80% of my shots and I was dodging 80% of the shots.

I totally agree with @WhyN0t and changes are needed for the HP conversion and anything that he mentioned.