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Changelog 2.221 - Discussion


Lance Corporal
Very cool you can change the target of offline teammates - is this only durin a battle? and maybe if we're finally implementing these quality of life changes we can also just set coloured squares that offliners can target? something idiot proof.


Master Sergeant
But only 1x per fk. That means if there are 5 offliners you can only move each of the 5 once then no longer?

Emma Swan

Thanks God for event sets, otherwise there would be literally nothing to write down into changelogs.

also.... logic in InnoGames language:

1st changelog: We are introducing sector names
2nd changelog: It is going to be on by default
3rd changelog: It is going to be off by default.
- 4th changelog: It is going to be different colour/font?????

Is tactics removed from soldier? Are character bonuses changed for better? Are you working on duel/FF new formulas? Anybody remembers still resistance in FF? How about experiences? Are we going to die to reach level 250? Why are we gettign craps a.k.a new quests? In last one I had to use so much energy to get funny xp and 1 point skill.

Is easter sale going to be part of independance event? Or are you waiting for christmas instead????????????? mama mia

Emma Swan

Not worth to buy rolling and davis mount sets. Clothing set much better than leaven set but mounts sets the same. I have +2 leaven mount set already. Not upgrade for me on attack side.
Just checked them. I think whoever has Bull upgraded on 1/2 is more than fine. No need to buy Rolling at all. The same for Tutt. Unless it gets buffed sector bonus defence, or extra attack personal bonus, or gets more leadership. Tutt is good on builder or dueler high level, but requires sector buff from other player as well. So tell me, are you going to take Tutt horse to FF instead of Bull/Leaven as tank or buffer instead of Black hart for example as duelist? It just doesnt make any sense at all .....

Nugget sale should be more premium. This to me looks like set you can get for 48k eggs from event spin. As for jumping.... If you have claibon ride, again, enough. Otherwise its just a question of couple of minutes, usually people use buff anyway so it doesnt matter... I was hoping they would play with rides better not just reverse from leavenworth lol because clothes from all 3 sets look great. Rides are such a disappointment to me.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
I think whoever has Bull upgraded on 1/2 is more than fine. No need to buy Rolling at all. The same for Tutt
Hmm that's debatable. Sure Bull 1 or 2 or even 3 is great but if you have the opportunity to upgrade Thunder on the same level it's actually very OP. More OP than Bull 110% . Of course this only if you have the opportunity to do so. If not then you should just stick with Bull and wait for Christmas if you have tons of money to buy and upgrade Thunder. Same goes for Tutt.

Based on your feedback, we changed the "A dancer" quest giver's name.
From now on, you will find the quest giver labelled as "Indian-Dancer" on the map.

This has is to be an internal feedback because personally I havent seen a single person having issue with a Quest givers name. Now imagine if our actual feedback went through instead of this...

Emma Swan

Hmm that's debatable. Sure Bull 1 or 2 or even 3 is great but if you have the opportunity to upgrade Thunder on the same level it's actually very OP. More OP than Bull 110% . Of course this only if you have the opportunity to do so. If not then you should just stick with Bull and wait for Christmas if you have tons of money to buy and upgrade Thunder. Same goes for Tutt.

Based on your feedback, we changed the "A dancer" quest giver's name.
From now on, you will find the quest giver labelled as "Indian-Dancer" on the map.

This has is to be an internal feedback because personally I havent seen a single person having issue with a Quest givers name. Now imagine if our actual feedback went through instead of this...
nobody with a pinch of brain correctly working is going to pay that much money to get rolling on 2/3 with this kind of management and support lol :D


Let me share my opinion on the relevant points of this update:

FF: I'll be biref: good, we have been wanting it for a long time. Let's see how things are going to work.

- Jumping thunder: honestly who cares... is there still anybody still wasting time sleeping in this game?

- Rolling thunder: are they astonishing? No. Did I expect them to be stronger, having seen the regular set? Yes. Am I unhappy? No.
In the end, they are fine. Bonuses are more or less balanced. If I had bulls ^2 would i consider buying them? Maybe not, but they are nevertheless stronger. But in many servers bulls are rare to find nowadays and players come to forts with Leavenworth's saddle/mount, which is suboptimal since the reduced defence given by the lack of hiding skill is relevant and can be easily perceived during battles.

- Davis tutt: I initially thought this whole set sucked, as Zapata did during his time. Reading it carefully, however, I think it might find some space, limited, but still some space. This is due to the sector defence bonus. In both attack and defence, 1 (max 2) adventurers (since they are useless both as sniper and on frontlines) can be equipped with this set (weapons+clothes+h&s) and be used as banners to boost up the defence of soldiers by 17, which is a lot and can seriously impact battles. But the set is still weak and should receive a buff. The same goes for horse and saddle. Need AT LEAST more resistence. AT LEAST (Not talking about sector defence, otherwise the buff is indirecly for soldiers). And I would increase the defence stat too. Since they can not absorb, at least make them harder to hit, and when hit, make them more durable.
It is clear that nobody will use this set besides adventurers and workers. Now, the latter are decent snipers and most of them go in that direction, while the former are completely useless in fort battles. There are servers where battle are decided just because an alliance has too many adventurers within their lines, and these adventurers are often very high in level. Old timers remember that adventurer's avatar 13+ years ago was by far the coolest one, and many chose it for that reason, since 15 levels in the game do not give you the proper understanding to make a thoughtful choice. These guys have been locked for 15 with a worthless character. If you do not want to rework it, at least give them OP sets that will make them somehow useful in FFs.