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Changelog 2.197 - Discussion


Master Sergeant
The picture was more for those who didn't know what we were talking about :lol:
But if you know more, we're open to it :njub:


Lance Corporal
at least compared to the sleeping achievements those seem achievable and they are an incentive to boost activity, even if some of them should be changed

Jeremiah Johnson

Private First Class
@Loki Hello, here is some feedback from the EN Forum (since I was told that you and @Syntex never discuss feedback about updates...):

"NPC duels: I don't think there's ever a reason to duel NPCs, other than for achievements. It used to effect your duel motivation, and perhaps that was a better way to keep your duel level down than losing on purpose? Bring it back.

Fort Battles: Is the canon good enough to encourage 10 battles a day and further degrade the quality of fort battles? I'm hearing it's equivalent to a Gringo's weapon and my 11-ish year old account that has been focussed on PvP is only half way there.
Dealing 22500 damage in one fort battle isn't possible for tanks.

Construction: Complete 500 levels of a town building isn't possible without building up multiple towns. Old worlds are full of built-up ghost towns.

The title "Invincible" is not gained from the achievement called "Invincible"

There is an achievement called "Master of the Force", but in order to be a master, you must train a Padawan to the rank of Knight, not dodge 35000 shots in fort battles. /s"

This was from the user lulumcnoob. He makes some good points.


Dealing 22500 damage in one fort battle isn't possible for tanks.
*but is a ridiculously low damage for leadership damagers to achieve

I’m only playing for the achievements. Thank you for the amazing content.
It is decent, safe, content that is relevant to pretty much every player in the game, and doesn't take up a developer's time.
We'll always find stuff to nit-pick though, and frankly QA is kind of the responsibility of the Beta community now, so that's a good thing - we're just doing our part :njub:
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