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Can we get an option to block more friendship requests ?


Please can we get an option to block for more friendship requests ?

Here we go again,- the chat is ruined for the next weeks - and so is our mail boxes and reports.

Every time you log on- yoo receive endless requests for friendship. I would like to be able to block for as long as these events last.

It would also ne nice to somehow bail out of this madness. I am not going to send anything, and my friends get disappointed. If I could block so I cant sent or receive anything, I would be very happy. I am content with what I can collect doing normal activities in the game, that is jobs duels building and FF.


You can just ignore them or click on the red X, it makes them disappear ;) :D


You can just ignore them or click on the red X, it makes them disappear ;) :D

There are too many to bother to delete them all. I want to have a spam filter please.

Here you have a small sample.

To be quite honest,- right now I am considering deleting all accounts. I know we will have this back again for Xmas, for Valentines for....
I might cool down- but right now I feel that this is the end.
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sorry for you olga, but that's the price of being super popular :cool:

i hardly get any invites nowadays :D


Well... i "only have" 73 that sent me friendly requests yesterday. 7 pages of reports to delete and find the real reports to read.

This is like facebook. :(

The 13 i have will stay the same until they delete there accounts and there are no more places available.


To be quite honest,- right now I am considering deleting all accounts. I know we will have this back again for Xmas, for Valentines for....
I might cool down- but right now I feel that this is the end.
xmas are too far away, what about thanksgiving? (yep, a new "event" every month it is and nothing beside that...)


Well... i "only have" 73 that sent me friendly requests yesterday. 7 pages of reports to delete and find the real reports to read.

This is like facebook. :(

The 13 i have will stay the same until they delete there accounts and there are no more places available.

Who am I to complain then- I only have 38 at the moment. I keep th4e chat closed now, that helps, - but it is pretty sad that they ruin the game like this again and again.
My question was not a joke, I know we are many who hate this- so please give us an option to chose not to be a part of this circus and still play the game.

Even if this get fixed - it still gives problems, - I can t remember a fort fight that worked during one of these events. Movement and fort chat is lagging big time during these events.