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bug rejected


i just wrote sth in the bug menu. it´s a bug concerning premium.
but after a while, there were written rejected behind. mouseover says: "the given description was not enough for us to find the bug. please contact support."
i can´t even read the whole text i wrote in there, thus i can´t copy it. and i really don´t want to write the same thing again.
so please tell me: whats the use of a ingame-bugreport, when this just leads me to another bugreport in a different section!?


it doesn't encourage us to report a bug if whenever we report a bug all get is bug rejected or it is not enough i sent a bug regarding a town in amitchka and still it hasn't been properly checked. We are trying our possible best to make the games bugs free but i believe we are not given the benefit of the doubt. Thanks


Well, I reported 2 bugs and both were checked and confirmed... Maybe you really did not write enough about it


My experience with the in-game bug report supporters couldn't be better... They understand even brief descriptions, provided they are well-written, and they evaluate the issues very quickly. It might be nice to be able to open the bug report in order to provide further information, but from my experience, that wasn't necessary in any of the 11 cases.

If you need to extract the text, right-click the shortened description, press Inspect element/Analyze element/... (depends on your browser, some don't even have this feature), open the contents of a certain <div class="cell cell_1 desc"> and copy your report from there.