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Beta Sever Traffic light



is it possible to install a traffic light on the start screen to see if:

green = no maintenance - server should work normally, if not it should be reported
yellow = maintenance in progress - limited accessibility
red = server offline

don't take it to serious, was just an idea as B1 is not available in the moment, and I expect again an not available thread again :lol:
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Thumbs up for that! :up:

It's totally useless when players report a world not availiable when the devs are currently working on it; and on the other hand, if there's really an error and nobody would report it since everybody is thinking "devs at work - I'll take a walk in the park..." isn't satisfying, too..

In the good ol' times *g* there's been an announcement "World XY won't be avialiable for x minutes" - but for the last (about a dozen..) updates, this was forgotten somehow...

The proposed traffic light would be a nice visual thingy; but it would be sufficient if the announcements on the start page would be used reliably ;)




I wonder what the devs think of this idea?
Working on a beta-exclusive feature (which is not a cool sword or a rocket-mounted turtle) doesn't sound like such a reasonable investment of time... :)