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Update 2.75 discussion


I hope it's a very complicated and secret quests, because the improved gold weapons are worth it.


Tombstone Sole Survivor
The West Team
I'm hope quest not have any secret, only asking some difficult (not ridiculous) task to do. Big thumbs up for upgrade thing, don't nerf the guns, because now f2p guys have chance again, can west can be fun again(?). Go forward on let's make west great again road!

Thanks for rickroll again guys, but where is the Hooker set bonus where I need use that set?


Can we know new set bonuses if they aren’t secret? :)


Private First Class
Are you going to fix the achievement for Day for the Dead 2017 someday? I really don't like when I see 31/32 event achievements o_O
Yeah, just remove it so that it is 31/31 event achievements.

Problem solved....




I have a penn colt level2 and i have JUST 182-192, the difference its too big


Do we have a motivation to win tombola weapons if we know that we will get Golden weapons from quest?

yes, because after this the next tombola winner weapons will be even stronger.


Tombstone Sole Survivor
The West Team
Guys, we don't need nerf new golden set guns, because Lincoln one still better. They want make more equal to game, helping F2P players not going to different games. Lot of player welcome that change, and have chance to little catchup, what we really need. Atm you still can have better weapon than new golden set guns weapons, skill points not really so high, so guns above average if we looking about all gun, but for F2P guys really good one.