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Collector's set


well there is actually a bonus for the whole set, as long as it wasn't changed the last rev updates ;)

There is indeed one, anyways I belive that it is a bit overpowered... the bonuses are too high xP

Anyways, if you managed to get all items in the game, you pretty much deserve it. :up:


So rudolph is needed to get the camel... how we get rudolph???
Maybe in the end of time of calendar?


So rudolph is needed to get the camel... how we get rudolph???
Maybe in the end of time of calendar?

Rudolph, was found last year at a few jobs, many people said that "Picking agraves" was the most recommended to try.


Rudolph, was found last year at a few jobs, many people said that "Picking agraves" was the most recommended to try.

I heard that was a bug. Not sure though. But the fact that still, at our Dutch forum at least, everyone says it is unknown, including some very intelligent players, strengthens my assumption.


I heard that was a bug. Not sure though. But the fact that still, at our Dutch forum at least, everyone says it is unknown, including some very intelligent players, strengthens my assumption.

It was a bug, same with some necklace that dropped from some work (Dosn't remeber the name or the work)

I know it cuz i played on beta and .net on a another account then.
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I presume Rudolph is a cristmas animal, so InnoGames will "give" it to us until the day 24.
InnoGames makes a lot of mistakes, but make us wait for one year for a Camel??
I have 500 reapetables quest until now in my main world, with 4 hours per quest, very hard... i basicaly live the game for reapetable quests, we need short quests for yesterday XD


well, it might be extended to 5000 repeatable quests after they realize that they did mistake, so I wouldn't be so optimistic about getting the camel. What's good today is not good tomorrow, there are no real targets to work towards and then enjoy your own success as rules and settings are changing constantly, what's worse is that user is paying money to have feature he paid for and not something else just because somebody changed his mind.


The camel hasn't anything to do with rudolph, rudolph was supposed to be in the holiday set but it was removed and changed to the sledge.


The camel hasn't anything to do with rudolph, rudolph was supposed to be in the holiday set but it was removed and changed to the sledge.

It has something to do with Rudolph. If you want to ride a camel, you should start looking for Rudolph, since it is needed for the collector achievement.

So, yes. The Camel has something to do with Rudolph. :)


Master Sergeant
Former Team Member
Rudolph being found with picking agaves was a bug indeed. Afaik, it's been given as a reward from the German community advent calendar. And, apparently, it has been found in a fort chest on the Dutch world, don't know which chest though.


If we never find this reindeer in a chest and what we possess the ostrich we shall have made 1000 quests for nothing, it's a pity that there is no collection for this reindeer.

On the other hand, so as to have the set of the collector, on the French servers I gathered(combined) in my city the players possessing the noble items. The idea thus is to exchange our weapons and noble pants we make them then and we have the set of the collector.

is needed to trust to the other allied players and even the opponents of gammers.

In this game(set,play) if one veu to move forward it is necessary to use and we French trust, we train(form) various groups for the noble but we also share some produced so that our allies can make their collections(quests);

On the other hand we look for craftiness allowing us to win more of noble.

look my inventory !


A friend is going to lend me the sabre of grandt thus by lending itself afaires we have very fast the set except the camel :up:


I have to start to play in beta for real, to know what´s comming of new. xD
I have another quest (since im level 1 here), we have two quests givers for the reapetable quests? If thats is true, we have new quests now?


we have two quests givers for the reapetable quests? If thats is true, we have new quests now?
Yes, the old village and new quests in ghost town


I just completed the collectors set on DE5 by completing 1000 daily quests for the ostrich and Rudolph dropping from a *regular* steel lined box.


In english it reads:

+25 damage (fort battle sector bonus)
+2 defense (fort battle sector bonus)
+2 attack (fort battle)
+2 prayer
+20% regeneration
+50% increased luck chance
+50% speed
+15 labour points
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Awe why did you have to tell them this :(

I loved the way people ask you everything :P



Ana, can you tell us what were you doing when you opened the steel lined box? What clothes were you wearing? And if you can, tell us the first 3 jobs/actions you made in game befor openening the box. :)


well, not yet :D just need to add some code for fort bonuses first. But at least we know what the bonuses are now. ;)


Ana, can you tell us what were you doing when you opened the steel lined box? What clothes were you wearing? And if you can, tell us the first 3 jobs/actions you made in game befor openening the box. :)

I tell you ;)

I did 3 hours of treasure hunt for the mexican gold quest. Then I shot Old Man Hackett because he deserved it and rode home, feeding my ostrich with 2 sacks of oat.
I then began praying for the cristmas achievements and opened some steel boxes. Rudolph dropped from the second box.

But I'm sure, it was a total random drop ;)