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why is something not promised, and not fulfilled?


Lance Corporal
weren't we promised old sets that will have bonuses per level? do we really have to be lied to?
I got the title wrong with my beta translator, what I wanted to say is why were we promised something and we only received 3 sets or 4?


Lance Corporal
if it's still hard for you to do well for the west, go to the rest of the InnoGames games because you're taking the places of people who might really want to improve the game. I really don't understand, I give an example, the independent event has good sets, the Oktoberfest event has weaker sets than previous years, what is the logic behind them? If you intentionally make weaker sets, who will play the west? And yet I don't understand why you bother to put such long names to the sets, they could just as well be given random or fictitious names like the turtle and other items have no logic behind them anyway.


Lance Corporal
I have one last question. We were promised a new map for the adventures, I think you were happy that no one asked anything, however the players' suggestions are passed on, or the assistant takes us with sugar and tells us we passed it on only because that's how they were instructed ? because if I say I've passed this on I'm still giving hope. players and close the topic at the same time.
probably they will find a reason to close or delete this topic avoiding to answer some mistakes or lies that they sent to us viewers with videos on YouTube


Lance Corporal
With level 250 currently it will only be hard pvm? Where is the adventure map that was promised? Where are the old sets that I promised would have lvl bonuses? Anything other than the chef, the set of the red football fans, Friday western, will we have anything new in the shop? So many unanswered questions


Lance Corporal
They should remove duel level, then make level brackets so that you can only duel others in that bracket (once it's 150, it just counts as 150+) and massively increase XP for duelling.
I partially agree with your opinion, I would suggest that xp should be in percentages per level, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25%


I partially agree with your opinion, I would suggest that xp should be in percentages per level, 5, 10, 15, 20,
I will write here some thing what i wrote here many times... I dont understand why you are comlaining about game why you write suggestions If nothing will change. The fastest you realise that this game started dying in 2013 the fastest you will realise what you can except from this game....
Many years of players complaining the thousand of possibilities what developers can do with game but we see 0,00000000000000000000 things changing....