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I wonder why we have to have an Icon now on top right telling us what kind of character we are. I am sure most of us are able to remember that.:blink:

I just find it annoying. I know I am not the only one. I know from players starting the game that they find the flashing spade in the bottom menu very annoying - they don't need that information. You have to open each job to get rid of the flashing icon - and when you are just starting - that is a lot of jobs.

I can find a lot of other examples - of useless gadgets - crowding the screen.
So please - why don't you either make it possible to get rid of those useless gadgets - or think not twice - but even more times - before you crowd the game with useless information telling us what we already know - or what we don't really need to know.
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The West Team
Dev Team
As I stated in your last, almost identical conplaint, we are working hard on many features and game components more advanced than "useless gadgets". For instance, in the two updates since, we have overhauled the jobs system, continue to balance fort battles and implemented the travelling fair. As always, development is ongoing, more features are to come.

I am not sure when you started playing The West, but back when I joined, it was one of the most difficult interfaces to learn with no guidance and hardly a tutorial. Providing more information, assisting new players, is a sensible improvement requiring minimal resources. The character bonus box is pretty small; unless you're playing on an incredibly small screen it does not infringe on the game play of a power user, let alone enjoyment. If there's something specific to the contrary, more than a mere nitpick, by all means point it out and we'll review it.
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As I stated in your last, almost identical conplaint, we are working hard on many features and game components more advanced than "useless gadgets". For instance, in the two updates since, we have overhauled the jobs system, continue to balance fort battles and implemented the travelling fair. As always, development is ongoing, more features are to come.

I am not sure when you started playing The West, but back when I joined, it was one of the most difficult interfaces to learn with no guidance and hardly a tutorial. Providing more information, assisting new players, is a sensible improvement requiring minimal resources. The character bonus box is pretty small; unless you're playing on an incredibly small screen it does not infringe on the game play of a power user, let alone enjoyment. If there's something specific to the contrary, more than a mere nitpick, by all means point it out and we'll review it.

sometimes I am playing on a very small screen. And sometimes I need to zoom in a lot - because I dont have very good eye sight , even on a normal screen. I am sorry that you think I am just complaining. I might have written something similar before. I just think it would be nicer to keep it simple.


The West Team
Dev Team
So the real problem is accessibility for the vision impaired? That's something tangible we can address :) So I can see for myself, what browser zoom level (%) do you usually use?


So the real problem is accessibility for the vision impaired? That's something tangible we can address :) So I can see for myself, what browser zoom level (%) do you usually use?

There could be a option to change the zoom of the game, because using the browser zoom doesn't work well :/


So the real problem is accessibility for the vision impaired? ...
I don't think that's olga's point - it's about several small features/enhancements that might be real useful for a beginner, that might be quite interesting for some pros, but lack the option to simply turn them off for everybody else who simply doesn't want/need it.

Sure enough, it wouldn't be too difficult to write an userscript for disabling certain GUI elements or functions; but that would be broken or at least incomplete the next time you change/add something.
So the most convenient solution would be built-in options to turn some elements on/off, like the game tips & warnings.

Including olga's examples, those come to my mind:
- Character "buff" icon
- flashing work button when new jobs are availiable
- flashing skills button with unassigned points
- facebook share button in reports
- flashing town button with new forum posts (best would be a distinction between own/town forums and shared ones)

And not really an UI option, but somehow related to it:
- an option to have the toast messages ("Your friend xxx is online now", "Server will be restarted in x minutes" in the lower right corner) logged in the chat - either as the already implemented "System" message, or a new "Info" type.


The West Team
Dev Team
I read what he wrote initially, my question was why does something so harmless and trivial bother him so much to write multiple threads about it, and the answer is because his vision ain't the best. That's the core problem here; a more customisable UI may end up being the solution, but it's prudent to look at the big picture as it's not the be all and end all.