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UP Shop Prices


Will the price changes in the beta shops be applied to the other worlds?

And if so will there be any compensation for purchases made of items at the higher value?

Mate tea was 175 nuggets/bonds yet now it's only 27 nuggets/bonds that's a 148 difference. Are those nuggets/bonds just wasted if purchased before the change?



You are playing a beta. so everything can change without a warning.
And do really go back to the supermarket to get a refund just because the price of an article is lowered?


You are playing a beta. so everything can change without a warning.
And do really go back to the supermarket to get a refund just because the price of an article is lowered?

Actually that has been done! lol With proof that I purchased an item I have gone to a store and returned it for a refund just to purchase the same item for a lesser value.

But anyways back to the game...I know things change in beta and I do expect that, but I want to know if these changes will apply in the other worlds too or are the lower prices for beta only?

I'm not going to spend 100+ nuggets/bonds on an item that will eventually be bought for 15-20 nuggets/bonds when a changes happens.