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This is really annoying and stupid


Look at this http://prntscr.com/2sz86u
Whatever i do it says like this
When i collecting money from market after 20-25 clicks it says that
When i craft more than 20 items it says that
what the hell is happening here, that error i haven't seen anywhere else than in the west and it says maybe server is crowded, yes it is for sure, it only makes fool of me, that's serious error people!!!


The West Team
Dev Team
Please calm down, you are playing the public beta, it's really not that outrageous that you receive errors :)

If you encounter a bad streak of luck, check the console for any javascript errors. These will help us identify what, if anything reproducible, went wrong. If you can make it as far as the ingame bug tracker, without having to refresh, we'll also be able to see more technical data alongside your report. Asking in chat whether it happens to anyone else, or just you, might also help you debug.


this happens to more people for sure :) Most recently for example when I have to send hearts to a whole bunch of people.


Well it happens for me too- but still prefer it this way than before when you used 5 minutes for each craft. You can craft now while sleeping and not risk loosing products if you die.
Of course it would be great to get rid of it- but I can find other things in the game that are much more annoying. ;)


It's because you are doing too many action in small timeframe. Newer version of old "Server error". It's annoying, yes. But maybe it's some kind protection from automated scripts or from keeping server overloaded, i don't know.


... But maybe it's some kind protection from automated scripts or from keeping server overloaded, i don't know.
Yes, it's a script/bot spam/DoS protection - and no, it's not only Beta, it affects public worlds too.
(It's surely annoying, but I got used to a slower pace of clicking; better than crashed servers ...)

- for fetching market offers, there's the convenient "fetch all" button at least;
- for Valentine heart shipments, the time frame of the event is short enough to live with it (if that system of friend interaction is planned to be used for future events - and it might well be, the code is quite generic with the special case "Hearts" .. - you could perhaps think about raising the trigger a bit)
- for crafting, it's really annoying when you have a big assignment of 50x this, 30x that,...
A proposal that has peen posted many times in different official TW-forums was to enable "batch crafting" - next to the craft button there's a number input field, default is 1, where you can put in the desired number of products, only limited by your resources.
[on server side, each task is processed separately to determine excellent results, so that in the end there is no difference between crafting one by one and in batch; only difference (that matters) is that you have only one server request and one reply instead of 50 each]


This happens to me on all worlds, not only on beta people, and it's dangerous thing because when i receive that, i can't set player to sleep if i have money in hands or i can't deposit money..also can't do anything for next 10-15 mins after i re log in, this can be really dangerous in some situations :) and duelers are always awake hehe


Master Sergeant
Former Team Member
You know this might happen by now, you could always set your character to sleep before you pick up the items, that's how I've done it in the past whenever I needed to pick up a lot.


can't it be just a normal game where you can DO SOMETHING WITHOUT MAKING FORMULA how to do something without getting killed, robbed or banned?


The West Team
Dev Team
If it would please you, we could make our flood protection resemble more closely another "normal" mmorpg, where they removed all PvP components for a couple of years to halt botting :p


This happens to me on all worlds, not only on beta people, and it's dangerous thing because when i receive that, i can't set player to sleep if i have money in hands or i can't deposit money..also can't do anything for next 10-15 mins after i re log in, this can be really dangerous in some situations :) and duelers are always awake hehe

On the market you just need to use the button on the right down corner to fetch everything you have on that market.... and having 1 or 6000000 it will make you receive everything that it´s there. Sold or bought.

On the crafting, just go for a few things each time and not a mouse clicker.
Everywhere on the net you get those, kinda off, blockers since that can be a sign of 2 things: you are using a script or you are trying to make a DDos atack.
Many games still use something we had here: the xx seconds or minutes delay between each operation. So people could not go for the massive amount of orders in less than 1 second (and the automatic scripts wouldn´t work).

They still need to make one of those blockers for the scripts that some people use on the market. Refreshing the market each 3 seconds should not be allowed :D