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The freedom fighter

  • Thread starter DeletedUser3230
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Anyone who have a solution to this ?

I am level 66. The questgiver is on my map -at the indian camp - I have finieshed the quest named rebuilding - that is required to start this quest line.

-but I get no quest - when I am at indian camp - not by the questgiver, or any other place I have looked. - Is this a bug - or do anyone have an answer ?


I am still stuck - no one who have done this quest after the update??:confused::(

- I wrote to support nearly a week ago - no reply form them:eek:


Finely I got an answer from support. It is because - this quest is no longer from level 65 - but now from level 85.

Why the quest giver Icon then appears at level 65 - I don't now - a bit confusing maybe :blink: