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Telegrams and reports menu


I don't find a place elsewhere to suggestions - so I ask a question.

Could it be possible to separate the telegrams and reports menu, or even better, make sure that the PM you are writing at is not lost because you open the report window or telegrams menu,

Often when I write a PM I need some information from an other telegram or from a report. And if I go to the rapport part of the menu - I loose what part of my telegram i have already written.

I don't know if it is only me who are annoyed by this. and I don't know exactly how to solve it. I just wish it was possible to keep the message you are written . and open other telegram and the report menu - without loosing the PM you are writing on.


Checked it:
It works fine for me...
All combinations i were still able to going on with my message...
And it stays there as long as you don't close the "Message/Report" window... but if you close it all is gone...


The West Team
Dev Team
Alex is right, you can switch between tabs without losing anything, so long as you don't close the whole window.


When I open an other telegram - my message is lost.

I'm also someone who's searching for information in other reports/telegrams/forums while writing the telegram to be able to fit in anything I want to say. I'm used to just ctrl+c ( copy ) all the thing while searching elsewhere, and then ctrl+v ( paste ) it back and that add what I need. I still happen to forget to copy it sometimes, and since I'm used I can click around relaxed, I happen to loose the message.

I thing what Olga is asking is a really simple, theoretically and practically as well, for the 'creation' team, too, but is a necessity for those who are leaders/mass-writers in the game.

I'm +1 on this, thank you!


Best - and maybe most simple? - solution would be to make the New telegram dialog an extra window, like the other [already sent/received] telegrams (and reports).