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Technical Difficulties


The West Team
Dev Team
Dear players,

As you know, The West is a very popular game, enjoyed by over 17 million players worldwide and counting. To support all this traffic, we require a large number of servers, which consume a lot of electricity and produce a significant amount of heat. You can imagine, then, the problem when forced to power our data centre using a backup generator. Although there is just enough energy to power our servers, the necessary air-conditioning is simply not available.

Thanks to the dedicated efforts of our system administrators, frantically battling the heat armed with only two second-hand spray bottles each, we believe we will be able to keep all services up and running. You may notice a few odd side effects in the game, but nothing permanent, so please do not be alarmed if you encounter any issues. Those not on spray duties will be monitoring the servers to ensure no larger problems develop.

Thanks for being the best and playing The West!
Your ‘The West’ Team