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Soldier needs a BUFF

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
Hello , it's sad to see that Soldiers don't get the love they actually need , seeing them have ONLY 50% extra tactics as a bonus is simply just not enough , also having more HP and being able to buy high level weapons while not being at that level is again not simply enough.

Here are some suggestions:
Increase tactics from 50% -> 85%
Increase HP gained after skilled in HP from 10->100
Increase level needed to buy weapons from 6->60
Non Premium
Increase tactics from 25% -> 50%
Increase HP gained after skilled in HP from 5->50
Increase level needed to buy weapons from 3->30

This way Soldier will have to worry less for tactics and he can wear better clothes for more aim and more dodge so he can have little tactics but that 85% will help him boost those tactics = meaning he will be a beast.
HP 50 per point you add on HP is good because now he will be able to have 100k hp in fort battles , who dares to attack a wall full of soldiers?
The level increase on weapons is not that great , now if its 60 levels you can wear a weapon that is 160 level at 100 level , who will dare attack someone like that?

Soldiers are very weak at the moment , we need the buff ASAP, we also need Duelers to be buffed , Workers to have 80% more aim and dodge. Adventures are broken at the moment , they must be nerfed because playing against Adventurers can be very frustrating.

Suggestion for Adventurers , if you successfully ghost a shot you immediately lose all your HP and become a ghost that can spectate the battle.

P.S. If you know , you know :D


Master Sergeant
The character bonus doubles the non-premium advantages, so the tactic should be 100%, not 85%. Which seems fair to me, 85% extra was too little anyway.
The other suggestions seem very good, correct and balanced, I would not be surprised if InnoGames takes this proposal into consideration.


I totally agree with everything stated above. It's high time we got some actual buffs in this game...