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Separate Construction log and Residents log


Idea title: Divide Town log and Construction reports into two separate tabs in the Town Hall.
Details of idea: I've noticed over the last several years that it's quite difficult to keep track of comings and goings in town during events. When everyone is constructing there's about 15-20 pages of logs created per day. Without events we have 3-5 pages per day. Totally manageable with lots of clicking and scrolling, but the game play experience may be significantly improved with a new tab, which functions identically to the Town Log, except it's only for construction reports which make up 99.99% of the Town Log but convey absolutely no meaningful information. In fact you can work out the construction logs from the town bank - it's literally redundant information that makes the town log un-usable.
(Imaginary) Visual Aid: Imagine, if you will, a new tab in the Town Hall, just for the construction log.
Reasons for submitting: I like to catch when players are deleted, when people leave and need re-invited, etc, which is very difficult in very active towns.
Recently on one world, my entire town was demoted by a black had and the relevant logs were hidden in page 6 of the town hall logs - this could be so much better.

Low budget alternate idea: A little checkbox in the Town Log to hide construction reports?


@Loki is there any chance you can make another push for this?
Even if it's removing the construction logs entirely from the town log, since it's redundant information we can see in the Bank, which makes the town log unusable from a town management perspective, and we even have mini-leader boards in the Residents page.

Double redundancy, conveys no meaningful information for anyone, and it breaks the town hall.

Someone with a lot of time recently checked their town log and reported that non-construction logs totalled 5 pages out of 375. That's 370/375 pages of nothing but Construction Logs. Why would we ever want or need that?

If anyone wishes to contribute to this cause, please post this idea on your local forums, I feel like the only way the community can get anything done is if we "harass" as many CM's as possible into harassing the office with our feedback.
I've been asking for this for more than 3 years, so I think it's more than time to step up the campaign for this desperately necessary change, please do your part if you want to see this happen.
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