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Protection against duels when joining fort battles


I still don't get how this protection works. I've seen reports from players being dueled even after fort battle began and they were participating in the battle(though they didn't attack anyone in the last 45 minutes), but i couldn't strike back at the player who attacked me and my duel failed cause he was signed up for a fort battle, but the battle hadn't started yet. Devs, would you mind revealing what are the current settings of this protection and how are things supposed to work ? Cause currently it seems a bit random and i bet nobody knows for sure how this works. How about removing the option of launching duels for players who are signed up for a battle ? It's a bit exploitive to duel people and then running to the fort just to be protected.


1.30 change:
"Players who attacked someone by dueling can now be attacked for at least 45 minutes even if they sleep in hotels"

it doesn't say anything about fort protection.

i think it's ok.
everybody was complaining when dueler camping town and sleeping in it's hotel. well, attacker don't have protection for 45 min now. a little more balanced for everyone.
however, it seems fair and logical that player is protected inside fort if fight is pending (although not started yet).


1.30 change:
"Players who attacked someone by dueling can now be attacked for at least 45 minutes even if they sleep in hotels"

it doesn't say anything about fort protection.

i think it's ok.
everybody was complaining when dueler camping town and sleeping in it's hotel. well, attacker don't have protection for 45 min now. a little more balanced for everyone.
however, it seems fair and logical that player is protected inside fort if fight is pending (although not started yet).

You misunderstood my point. Players can take advantage of being signed into a fort battle. They can duel players and then go to the fort and you cannot strike back at all. Let alone the fact that duelers don't even have to move from the fort to attack, so basically no one can attack them while they stay at the fort. It has become a common practice between duelers to launch fake fort fights just for the sake of attacking players and stay protected all the time. That doesn't seem fair, does it ? ;)


You misunderstood my point. Players can take advantage of being signed into a fort battle. They can duel players and then go to the fort and you cannot strike back at all. Let alone the fact that duelers don't even have to move from the fort to attack, so basically no one can attack them while they stay at the fort. It has become a common practice between duelers to launch fake fort fights just for the sake of attacking players and stay protected all the time. That doesn't seem fair, does it ? ;)

i think it's still ok and reasonable tactic.
duellers use their bonus and it's normal you can't attack someone inside fort where fight is pending.

besides, those fake attacks, they are not appearing on .net worlds where i play, only on beta. afaik, it's only beta specific case.


That's untrue. Some are using this stratagem on public worlds (on .fr worlds for exemple). ^^'


i think it's still ok and reasonable tactic.
duellers use their bonus and it's normal you can't attack someone inside fort where fight is pending.

besides, those fake attacks, they are not appearing on .net worlds where i play, only on beta. afaik, it's only beta specific case.

Lol, i doubt that is fair-play, leaving all sorts of tricks at hand to avoid duels. They might as well remove of option of attacking duelers at all if they want to boost this class in an unreasonable way. I still think duel protection works in a strange way and is flawed or bugged, and i would really want a dev answer about how this works. I made some duels went to the fort for a battle, i was attacked though i was inside the fort (battle hadn't started yet), tried to strike back at the player and it says he's fighting for the fort. Some of my mates can duel him, others see the message that he's fighting for the fort. Devs, please clarify these things once and for all and let us now the rules , so we don't pray at "Saint Random", whether we can be attacked or not.


the server is good. happens to me all the time that d attacking me even when I'm recording in battle, and the only answers given to us by MOD "I planned the match before the battle"
but I had enrollment minutes after being declared, ie do not think anyone hurts me 24 hours before ending the duel?

P.D: I never left the fort



I stay on fort from morning. I am sign in attack and one player attack me 4 time to now... How it is possible? I not duel with anybody. I stand on fort all of the time. So how can he attack me??


Told you things seem to work randomly. That's why i want a reasonable and decent explanation from devs on how this protection works while signed in a battle. 50 % of the time it works, 50 % doesn't work, let alone the duels that are taking place even when you are in the middle of a fort battle.