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Market Helper script


I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but because is the Question section I posted here.

I made a script The-west Market Helper
Works on the-west: all servers
Tested on game versions: 1.33 , 1.33.1 and 1.34 (for 1.34 things may change so issues may occur)
Browser support: FireFox 8 and Chrome 15 (tested and I will support last stable browser version for FireFox and Chrome)
Main functions:
- a new button will appear near minimap;
- allows you to see towns from where you need to collect purchased items;
- you can click on each town to center the map on that location;
- you can click on each town to open overview;
- collect all purchased items from current location;
- see items that are still under auction;
- filter purchased items by: all, can be collected (finish), are still under auction (in progress);
- auto-update confirmation;
Features to come:
- see market sell items;
- filter market sell items (by: collect money, under auction, not sold items);
- auto-complete template for putting items at market;
- and others user suggestions regarding market.

I've asked now an ingame moderator to get the approval for this script, but I want a confirmation by game developers that are here.


Looks nice. Very similar to Excel spreadsheet i already use for a long time :D

Current 1.34 market is very good for people that look for particular item, they can just use search bar and get results quickly.

However, 1.34 market is very unfriendly for "market players" which buy a lot items at cheap and resell them for profit or any other use (like for example getting golden ass achievement).

How about adding to your script an option to see all new items on market in last 24h for example?


Or I don't know whether is this possible but - what about adding option to see all auctions in which the items are seling in certain "rate" in relation to original buy price? or how to say it...like "show me all auction that have price lower as 0,9 of original buy price". Hope you understand what I was trying to say :D


Thanks for the feedback guys.

Now my next priority is to at market-sell part, then I will see new features regarding feedback.


How about adding to your script an option to see all new items on market in last 24h for example?
If I may try to answer these questions... The time cannot be chosen in the "what is hot" requests, so AFAIK it can only be done by getting the market offer data of all the items on the market. That's a lot of data, but more importantly, you can request offers of only one item (like oranges, flour, precise crossbows, ..). And while making several hundreds of server requests for this one thing is theoretically possible... well, you sure get the point :).
Or I don't know whether is this possible but - what about adding option to see all auctions in which the items are seling in certain "rate" in relation to original buy price? or how to say it...like "show me all auction that have price lower as 0,9 of original buy price". Hope you understand what I was trying to say :D
The same issue there.

Unless devs make this possible by extending the server's code, the possibilities are quite limited.


And one question about your script petee :) Are you working on possibility to qroup things together like it was in 1,33?

Thanks for the feedback guys.
I found a little mistake in your script. Screen:

these counts are kinda messed up, I actually have just 7 in one town, 2 in another and so.. I certainly don't have 24 trophies to pick up (just maybe 10 together). Do you know where the problem is? :)
But thanks you anyway, still really great script, I was looking for this one a really long time :)
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Two best script creators in history of the west give it up with new update...Nice job InnoGames

well, I hope darkyndy will be able to fix at least the grouping thing in future and big thanks to you Petee for all your previous job ;)


//edit I found a little mistake in your script. Screen:

these counts are kinda messed up, I actually have just 7 in one town, 2 in another and so.. I certainly don't have 24 trophies to pick up (just maybe 10 together). Do you know where the problem is? :)
But thanks you anyway, still really great script, I was looking for this one a really long time :)

I think is the same bug as the one posted at: http://userscripts.org/topics/94972 , if yes then I made a fix at version 1.2.7 , if it still appears please tell me, I will contact you in private for more details.