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Lie in character class description

Duelist bonus of 10% bonus money from duel is limited to maximum of $10k more. This is not even mentioned in character class description

For example duelist A won against soldier B that lost 100k, while duelist earned $110k. Even if he loses $200k it would turn into $210k for a duelist

First of all I understand that back 15 years ago when TW was introduced that 10k cap was a lot of money. And I get it that players can do tricks if limit is too high.

However, due to inflation (in this virtual world), i'm requesting to increase the bonus money cap to at least $50k. @Loki please pass it through to the decision-making team


Master Sergeant
I agree with the last part, $50k extra money should be fine, but it's not a lie. You do get 10/20% more money from duels, except that the general limit is $10k. This limit is set for a purpose. If it didn't exist, you could have with $100kk cash (or more), and someone would attack you with a money set (250% or more extra $) and you'd both get rich. Even a duel set would be ok, make sure you play with t/r so neither of you faints and you'd still make a lot of money. It's normal to have a limit like that, but $10k is too low, $50k would be ok.


I tried with money buff and its a lie. The clothes when give +300% money, it doesnt effect the duel, however my opponent had 50 mil in cash, but i only got +10k.