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Job awards


Why is job window showing exp and money you received in last job and not what will you get in next one?




i see no problem with this it is just a feature of the game as your motivation decreases you get less money and xp


This is because it gives you the amount when you END with that much motivation. So if you begin your work with 80%, it will show what your earnings will be with 80% at the end of the job.

An example: You are Picking Cotton. The expected earnings are shown: Motivation (100%), XP (12), $ (23), etc.
When you decide to go pick cotton, you will get earnings based on the motivation you reach at the END of the job. Motivation decreases when doing a job (approximately 5% per time doing that job). So you end up with 95%. This is what you get, based on 95% motivation: Motivation (95%), XP (11), $ (20), etc.
The new expected earnings will be based on 95% motivation, so it shows exactly what you got when you ended with 95%. Problem is that you don't end with 95% when you begin with 95%. Because it decreases. So what is shown is absolutely right. :)

Note: earnings I placed above are just thought up by me, not checked ingame, so don't shoot me if they are wrong (which they will be). ;)


An example: You are Picking Cotton. The expected earnings are shown: Motivation (100%), XP (12), $ (23), etc.
When you decide to go pick cotton, you will get earnings based on the motivation you reach at the END of the job. Motivation decreases when doing a job (approximately 5% per time doing that job). So you end up with 95%. This is what you get, based on 95% motivation: Motivation (95%), XP (11), $ (20), etc.
The new expected earnings will be based on 95% motivation, so it shows exactly what you got when you ended with 95%. Problem is that you don't end with 95% when you begin with 95%. Because it decreases. So what is shown is absolutely right. :)

it still seems just like easy change in their formula to show it right... its useless showing values noone will ever get.


It shows correct values for rewards when you finish the job at the shown motivation. But I would be more interested to see the rewards that I get, if I click the "start" button (when job finishes).

With changes to motivation system, it is easy to know (calculate) what they will be. The only problem will be jobs running during motivation increase times.

Luck value is not affected with motivation; can we assume we can still find items with 0 motivation?

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It could be changed, yes, but is has always been this way. At least for as long as i remember. ;)


But your chance to find an item dropped with motivation,so this is something new :)

The chance to find an item dropped when motivation dropped, yes. But that too has always been the case (or at least has been this way for quite a while). Check it out on the "normal" worlds: the yellow bar (aside that plant-thing) gets less long if you have a low motivation. So that's nothing new.

Besides: the system didn't change. There is just one thing added. Not only experience and money are displayed as you will not get it, but the chance to find an item is displayed different as well.

So, as we say in Holland: there is nothing new under the sun. :D (nothing has really changed, to explain it :p)


They changed something as i got reports with 100% motivation.


They changed something as i got reports with 100% motivation.

Strange... I don't know if this is intended.
Got one too, while tanning deer skin.
But all other reports (other jobs) before & afterwards hat their 5% motivation loss.

I'll test again with tanning...

/edit: nope, the other tannings (same spot as before) all took their 5%
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