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IDEA: completed quests in order


Searching through completed quests can be difficult. Can they be put into some kind of order? Perhaps alphabetical or in quest sequence?




good idea +1

if they were at least grouped into the quest lines it would make it easier to search through them


new layout = new function ?

I totally agree with this idea !!!! :up:

The best should be a possibility to order as we want (by group, level, title, order finished..., like an excel sheet) but if they are sorted by group, it would be a GREAT amelioration ! :whistle:


Check out the achievements and quests !
Not to hard to find quests there.

Still in German but i asume it will get traslated one day so its really been done :)


english... or not english ?

Check out the achievements and quests !
Not to hard to find quests there.

Still in German but i asume it will get traslated one day so its really been done :)

YES ! Really good ! :up:
but.... german.... :(
pouh ! it should be good to translate in english all new incoming on beta servers...
We can ban for non-english in profile. So...:whistle:


Check out the achievements and quests !
Not to hard to find quests there.

Sure, you can find the normal quest lines there, but:
  • quest are not clickable, to look up the epilogue or requirements again for example, you still have to search for the quests in the quest book
  • secret questlines are not shown - sometimes you'll have to pause because of unfulfilled requirements, and if you're able to continue a few weeks/months later at last, you can't simply look up where you have stopped. (And no, I don't want to have hidden quests listed there - at least not visible for everybody)

That's where a sorted version of the quest book would come in handy - sorted by level of the initial quest & grouped by quest line; maybe even expandable categories for each quest line.