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hi why cant we be allowed to buy set and us bonds


Private First Class
hi why cant we be allowed to buy sets for bonds when you have sells its 99% nuggets sell items and i think you have alot of players that sitting on 1000 s if not 10 of tousen on bonds in letters

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
In a way you can, but when the set you want has a chance of 25 or 33%, it becomes an unnecessary gamble.
True.. They should just add a mini-shop like the xmas event in the SHOP and sell sets from 2012-2018 so you can buy with bonds or in-game money. But I guess that will be more worth for newer players and new worlds for a somehow better start and help in the game.


Private First Class
i mean like speciell sets like the weapons for independent set i dont mean xmas event i mean the clothes like speed book


Lance Corporal
He's talking about chef's set, soccer fan, the items to complete the set like sousa weapons/astor horse etc