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Friendship points


More and more players getting frustrated about stupid change in points count including myself. There is no chance to get final reward 500k points as even nuggets are not counting as they used to. I had enough promoting my link and earning InnoGames hundreds of euros for nothing in reward. This proves that you have no intention ever give admin rights to anybody. Change reward formula back NOW. I had enough. Its insane to get 3k points in month where I used to get this in 1 day. :hmpf: Stop being so greedy once for all.
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More and more players getting frustrated about stupid change in points count including myself. There is no chance to get final reward 500k points as even nuggets are not counting as they used to. I had enough promoting my link and earning InnoGames hundreds of euros for nothing in reward. This proves that you have no intention ever give admin rights to anybody. Change reward formula back NOW. I had enough. Its insane to get 3k points in month where I used to get this in 1 day. :hmpf: Stop being so greedy once for all.


why do you think, that there were a change in the formula? Because there weren't any... If you specific example for what you should receive points, but you think you didn't please contact the support.

Thank you.

Regards, macsek


Hey abedy,

This is sad news you bring, I recommend you to send the support a ticket asking for Macsek or Kankalin, they might be able to resolve this for you.
Keep in mind that a new server takes time to start would you have been lucky enough to reach the 500k ;)

Merry Christmas!


Ok, so I removed my referral link. Will not help get InnoGames more money from it as this is really ridiculous. 15 players registered in 4 days, 130 points. Compare to 3000 a day before. Shame on you. And yes, just keep saying you haven't changed anything. :mad:
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Maybe they're not spending as many nuggets as they did before.


Oh please Kauri, seriously? :) and there is Santa living on North Pole


Deleted this comment made in anger !
It was not helping anyone myself included.

Im allmost done with this geme anyway sinse you keep changing the rules.
I buy one thing and when its halfway payed for you change the terms and the money spent is all for nothing.
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It seems the nuggets spent on the tombola weren't counted as spent nuggets so didn't have an effect on friendship points, but they claim to have fixed it.