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Fort overview greyed out?


Why is my fort overview button in beta Alamogordo still greyed out for me? I´m level 11 there and still it´s greyed out, I tought once you hit level 10 it would be visible. I can still press it tough. Is it supposed to be like this or is it a bug?:confused:
You can move this if it´s bug. Thanks for any answers. :)


I can't remember if it has something to do with your level (If I remember right, my first fort battle was with level 8 or 9 - but that was back in TW v1.23 or so) - but I'm definitely sure that you have to be a member of a town to take part in fort battles.

Oh... I just saw that player Darth Maul 2 *is* actually in a town.. is the button still greyed out?


Thank, I remembered wrong, I tought it was until level 10. thanks. If it´s not then there´s something weird going on! :D


Ok. Will do ;)

EDIT// It´s visible now! :)
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Nope. I´ve been logging out and in all the time, I bet that has the same effect as refresh, lol. :p