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Dmg on duels

So how is max dmg in duels calculated?

""The damage skills
The damage that is done by a melee weapon is increased with good vigor skills. For the ranged weapons the damage is increased with good shooting skills. The damage each weapon is able to do is varies from 25% (minimum) up to 175% (maximum) of it. Under no circumstances can this amount get lower than the minimum damage or higher than the maximum one""

I found this on wiki so what does it mean actually?
If i have lets say 200vigor and opponent 0 resistases if i hit head i deal same max dmg as if i hit hand?
Also is the dmg going to vary or i will i deal each hit same (ex if the weapon has 50-100dmg will i deal each hit 100*175% or somewhere between 50-100*175%)


Lance Corporal
you should read the whole page... just below you have this:
An arm hit gives you 100% damage.
A shoulder hit gives you 115% damage, meaning 15% more.
A headshot gives you 150%, meaning 50% more.

To summarise everything that was mentioned regarding damage and to provide a simple damage calculation example, the maximum damage a Howdah pistol (100-200 damage range) the can inflict against a non-resistant opponent (x1.75 multiplier) while aiming the head (x1.50 multiplier) and using a polishing stone (30-50 damage increase) is as follows:
(200+50)x1.75x1.50 = 656 health points
Okey thanks very much!
Because it highlighted Under no circumstances can this amount get lower than the minimum damage or higher than the maximum one" so i was a little confused