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Dev's left us again?


what should it explain? it explains nothing. but the devs have much more important things to do as to look here always.


Look here always?
Even you has started to be more and more inactive.

They could ATLEAST reply to the thread about that
we didn't got the easter boost eggs!


the developers have to develop new features this is their priority and as i said in the bug reports the eggs aren't given out here afterwards and there is also no need to make a fuss for a few eggs that weren't implemented on a beta.


the developers have to develop new features this is their priority and as i said in the bug reports the eggs aren't given out here afterwards and there is also no need to make a fuss for a few eggs that weren't implemented on a beta.

Like they can't spend like 10-15 min on theese forum once in a week
LIKE THEY USED TO DO 6-12 Months Ago!

Link pl0x , never saw any replay from either you or the devs!


They probably have a lot of work hobo. But could they please provide us with an answer on the crafting feedback to my problem posed. It will be highly appreciated.


The easter eggs doesn't make sense. This is the beta!
I agreed the devs can make a little more contact with the players, but don't complain about useless things.