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Construction and energi consumption


Is it just because it was not looked at yet - or is it meant to be - that the construction of buildings now is pretty high compared to the amount spent by working one hour.

Construction 24 - Working 12

The duration you can choose in construction is fine 15 min ½ an hour and 1 hour - please don't change that.

What also puzzles me- is the amount of products needed for construction. You need to have the amount needed for one hour, even though you can finish it in 15 minutes. That means that you have to put in more lassos than you need for building e.g. the flag- and have 3 lassos left you cant use for anything.

A strange thing that does not have anything to do with beta - I ask anyway- as I did not succeed in getting an answer from support on my Danish world. I hope someone can give me an answer anyway.
We still have an old world - where they did not change the times for construction from 2 1 and ½ an hour. As the time and the products needed for construction is linked - we have to spend twice the amount of products, compared to other worlds. That means 80 wood for 2 hours - compared to 40 in the other worlds for one hour, and the same amount of construction. I was not able to find out if this is a bug - or a feature- I just find it pretty annoying.