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church construction


its absolutely random, was doing some logs and there is no connection at all, however after last update it seems that gained exps are lowered at least in half.


true i noticed it as well the xp have been reduced by half


I thought the never ending construction of the church was made so all players could get construction in even at lower levels. Well I thought I would try it but the LP needed for the job is so high that I couldn't do it without a total reskill.

I hadn't looked at it before but our church is lvl 42 with 601 LP needed. Did that raise with the lvl of the church or was it always that high? I was hoping that even a non worker could get a few points building.


the more the level the church the higher the labor points needed to build it in amitchka our church is level 75 and with total re skill i only have 5 additional points to build it since am level 79 also good question does labor point affect the xp gained or does motivation affects the xp


the more the level the church the higher the labor points needed to build it in amitchka our church is level 75 and with total re skill i only have 5 additional points to build it since am level 79 also good question does labor point affect the xp gained or does motivation affects the xp

The XP is random. Before the last update the XP for 1 hour (+90 Church) was 300-900.


hello, do you know what is the bonus of the church to share the experience of having to build? there was something else? dropps more than? rest faster? Have you noticed something more or not?