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Christmas quest .... Cigars?


Does anyone know where to get cigars? In non-Beta we trade with Indians. What do we do here? There aren't any in market either.


Do you have to be a certain level because it doesn't show on my mini-map. Do you have your cigars lenivetz?
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I c. Hey why did u hide some of your stats? Lol. Thanks for answering my questions. :up:I don't have Ambush (on your screenshot) either. My character on non-beta is lower than my beta character and "Trade with Indians" shows up on his mini-map. Thats why I was concerned. Also because I thought this was a seasonal quest with time constraints so I was panicking a little.:whistle:


Master Sergeant
Former Team Member
To be able to see and do a job, you need a certain amount of points in the skills used for the job, level has not much to do with it.


To be able to see and do a job, you need a certain amount of points in the skills used for the job, level has not much to do with it.

well actually you need your level x2 +21 of labor points toward that job to see it