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Changelog 2.215 - Discussion


Why would you need to hide the gift achievement? I'd say it's a good way to find out multiaccounts...

On the other hand, thumbs up for the language thing for the Championship
Yep, personally I dont see a reason to hide the achievement. It´s one of the indicators of "multis".
Personally, I think that players should be able to change the game to prefered language, regardless of the server they are currently logged on.


Master Sergeant
Stupid but what's the point of the translation? You still have to write English in the forum and saloon chat. You don't know who you're writing to. Whether Adventure Event World or International Fortress Fight World Cup. The Saloon Chat there is no translator and forum

Mia Corvere

Stupid but what's the point of the translation? You still have to write English in the forum and saloon chat. You don't know who you're writing to. Whether Adventure Event World or International Fortress Fight World Cup. The Saloon Chat there is no translator and forum
Sure, but with IFBC you're with your language's team. Unless some very specific design wins, where you'll have to cooperate fully with other teams, you only really need to talk within your own party. In a language you already know. So the translations will just make it easier to get around in the game - sure, mostly everything will be designed the same way as before, but for some people, older people from smaller countries perhaps, English is challenging. Imagine if we were suddenly forced to play on a Chinese server, arabic server. If you don't know a language, the alphabet doesn't matter that much, a little simile for you.
If, for some reason, we will be forced to interact with other teams, the monolingual people can still rely on the multilingual people in their teams.

It just makes the game easier. Not all functions are meant for all of us, but please learn to appreciate it for those who need it. This is a good tip for real life as well, as not all of us need pre-cut fruits, wheelchair ramps or extra large letters on signs.


Master Sergeant
Event worlds where there are are put together. There is only one event world left. Yes, with a translated one.

There is saloon chat which is English
City chat native language like federal chat

There are also those who would rather play federal fortress battles than with their own compatriots.
I can bet that a few of Beta would rather do international fk