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Suggestions for improvement and various discussions


Master Sergeant
That's why I made the suggestion that they receive a five-star general from April 2008 to April 2010. Unfortunately rejected! You can program the rights so that they have no influence on Awesomia Fort. Only small, medium and large forts! that they have rights! So that if a normal general doesn't appear, he can muster who gets four stars! :annoyed:


Staff Sergeant
Oh great, now after a completely boring attack and a poor defense, the defense leader only has to click once to get all offliners to sit on flag. Wow, how wonderful that will be.
Thats true and its a bad feature. Now attackers cant win with capturing the flag.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
I can see scenarios where as soon as the attackers get a tower, they send every offliner to, or near the flag, Have fun trying to defend that.
That's good , more scenarios , more tactics , we play the same tactics over and over again , why so moody over a positive change that will bring new scenarios in a fort battle? All defenders on Flag? Attackers cant win with capturing the flag? What are you guys on about? I might be dumb , I wont comment much about it until I see some good explanation on why is controlling offliners a bad idea.


ya know i actually love this idea about a leader, but as I discussed with diggo years ago, it doesn't work unless it's a separate rank, one that can be passed to someone else if the leader isn't going to be online. otherwise the defenders (those that have very few generals) get screwed. we don't need another rank at corporal level, just a dedicated leader rank.


Master Sergeant
If you don't have enough people on defense, you are ordered to go to the flag positions with a lot of HP or strong evasion. Or everyone where Of stands there. As in the attack, the target is the flag area! It's about where WW, NW, SW or EW have the destination. to move them. That's logic. There will definitely be some people who cheat.


You don't seem to understand the point. It's not about numbers, it's about having someone online that is allowed to use the leader option to move offliners. Many battles these days have zero generals online on defense.


Master Sergeant
You don't seem to understand the point. It's not about numbers, it's about having someone online that is allowed to use the leader option to move offliners. Many battles these days have zero generals online on defense.
That's why I made the suggestion that they receive a five-star general from April 2008 to April 2010. Unfortunately rejected! You can program the rights so that they have no influence on Awesomia Fort. Only small, medium and large forts! that they have rights! So that if a normal general doesn't appear, he can muster who gets four stars! :annoyed:

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
You don't seem to understand the point. It's not about numbers, it's about having someone online that is allowed to use the leader option to move offliners. Many battles these days have zero generals online on defense.
If there isnt any general online then thats a problem of your world.. This should not happen , a general should always be on , I guess .net doesn't care that much hence you will see generals offline , but GENERALLY , generals are always online in worlds or communities that actually care about FF and not care only about the rank as its like this in .net. I am certain 100% that only in .net you will find Generals being offline , that should never be the case.


Master Sergeant
I took part in fort battles a few times without generals and held the fort! :P gives which cities where they don't feel like fighting. That's why I suggested it. Defend well if the Bund-City city founder is also a general. Not approved!


If there isnt any general online then thats a problem of your world.. This should not happen , a general should always be on , I guess .net doesn't care that much hence you will see generals offline , but GENERALLY , generals are always online in worlds or communities that actually care about FF and not care only about the rank as its like this in .net. I am certain 100% that only in .net you will find Generals being offline , that should never be the case.
Well sorry but that is the case, on the most important world in the game, Colorado EN. Sadly, also the world where having my name gets you banned.

You can't seriously say you've never been in a defense where no general is online. Like a town owns a fort, there's 2 black hats, both are busy. Happens all the time.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
Sadly, also the world where having my name gets you banned
That alone says enough about Colorado and generally .net

You can't seriously say you've never been in a defense where no general is online.
Not a single time , I have been in many defenses but not a single time because in GR we value even the smallest things. That's the good thing about small communities, might be small but we really care about the game.

By all means I don't attack you or anyone else playing in Colorado , I myself play there too but the majority of the players only care about ranking and theres basically almost 0 team play.
Since InnoGames started some fort fight changes maybe duelling changes will come next.

So I remember seeing an old post where they said that appearance vs tactics used to determine the base min/max weapon damage range.
I suggest to bring back something similar. It would reduce the randomness of the duells while adding another tactical component.


So I remember seeing an old post where they said that appearance vs tactics used to determine the base min/max weapon damage range.
Unless they change the tactics bonus on soldiers, the change you're suggesting is gonna make it so that you hit soldiers for 7 damage per headshot :D
Think about this: what damage can you do to a soldier that is on a T/R build and wears Purple Waupee clothes?
The weapon damage difference wouldnt be that big like 10-20dmg per hit. i would rather have this than the aim bonus and if else it would nerf the tactics more than buff them.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant

I want to continue the story of the golden weapons. There should still be missions to improve the Shiny Golden Weapon set. This set appeared in 2018 https://forum.beta.the-west.net/index.php?threads/update-2-81.3337/. There should be a mission for those over 180-200 level.

It would be nice to continue the story of the golden gun.

Thank you!
They already have extra quests to make your Golden guns shiny , I don't think it's necessary to make another set of extra quests for 180-200 level ( If i understand what you are trying to say )

Nevertheless, Shiny guns should be updated to the today's SP/AP values. Before sets Golden guns were the best weapons someone could have in a battle and now they are absolutely useless and if you take into consideration the time you need to make the guns shiny, the weapons should be way stronger that they are currently.