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Poll about lv 250

What you think about the new update (lv250 - 1.3kkk+ xp)?

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You literally are inventing crap that people in opposition to your opinion/play-style have never actually said.
Alls I said was I wasn't sure if you were trolling or just can't comprehend what we're talking about (the PvP).

in same way you seem to be unable to comprehend what i am talking about (the entire game)!
Just because you don't play PVP and you are probably the one crying after getting dueled while building church or farming berries , doesn't mean us PVP players ( which btw are the vast majority of the players ) have to make a 180 turn and start enjoying PVE ( which btw is not fun at all ) , keep farming berries and carrots and delude yourself that you love this game.
if this is seen as general statement, it is using the wrong grammatical person.
if this is seen as statement towards me, who are you to judge? do we know each other? do you know how i am playing?

thank you for your respectful behaviour and the great approach keeping on the theme of the thread!


thank you for your respectful behaviour and the great approach keeping on the theme of the thread!
After very respectfully telling everyone they're crying for the last 2 days, I present you with your very own Victim Card, since you can't take what you give.


Bill Doolin

Oh, wait, it's actually because clients are impatient babies and want things done right now. (if you haven't guessed by yet, my job is in product development :D )
That might be true. But as many times it's an issue of missing or bad communication. We could take this update as example. A simple "We tested the impact of higher levels on PvP and are confident this won't further affect PvP balance" or "We are aware of the impact this update might have on fort fights and duels and will further monitor and address possible issues"
Or "This is just the first step. We are already working $foobar".
Or "We will add new Quests for higher levels soon."
Or a gazillion things that could be said without overpromising things.

For sure people would still contest such statements and start arguing. But that is also a result of bad communication in the past. Like promising a "big update" and then being silent for years.
That might be true. But as many times it's an issue of missing or bad communication. We could take this update as example. A simple "We tested the impact of higher levels on PvP and are confident this won't further affect PvP balance" or "We are aware of the impact this update might have on fort fights and duels and will further monitor and address possible issues"
Or "This is just the first step. We are already working $foobar".
Or "We will add new Quests for higher levels soon."
Or a gazillion things that could be said without overpromising things.

For sure people would still contest such statements and start arguing. But that is also a result of bad communication in the past. Like promising a "big update" and then being silent for years.
extract from the changelog-announcement:

"More questlines will be added with upcoming updates."
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Good and bad are so subjective, anything can be discussed in the thread!

Is sliced bread so good that things are the best thing since sliced bread?
(And with that, close the thread lol )


Lance Corporal
I don't give a sh#3¤%t about unbalance in duels as long as I have targets to duel !!
I'll find a way to defeat any one of them as long as I am able to attack them !!
This mysterious potion is usless. Do something about duels !! I wanna be able to duel again.
Now, Im the biggest one on lvl duelling in my server and have like 3-4 opponents to duel. Even If I want to lose in purpose, i don't lose xp.
I went from 450 lvl duel to 200 in like 3 months, yeah i spent like 6 thousand bonds, but thats the only way, so its possible if you want


Lance Corporal
And initiate 0 duels :)
In 3 months I had 900 duels....
Edit: More than 3 months my friend, you can only use 12 potions in 3 months.
yeah and then you can make like 2 thousand duels a month if you want, and you are right, from 2nd of february till 22nd of may, so like 3 months and 3 weeks till i lowered my level, and then approximately same time till i did 5000+ duels
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