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This is actually something really important that is completely missing from the game. If you are a new player joining an older server, or if you have taken a long break from the game and are coming back - there's not an easy way to get relevant gear for PvP.
You're all probably tired of hearing it by now, but in Classic, that didn't matter because everyone had the same access to the same gear from the same shops at all times. Tombolas and limited sales being the only sources of PvP gear are probably the biggest things that ruined The West.

And I don't understand why they haven't added this as an additional revenue stream already.
not that difficult to be honest, wait maximum 6 months and you will have a new event with the best gear available....


6 months is well over the average player retention, and PvP is the only element I'm personally interested in, so that doesn't really work for me.
that is a maximum, if you are lucky you will have the best after 1 month. also if you there old chests for sale, I don't see how it would make much difference. so you could buy doc's set at level 10, people with pearl would still spank your bottom.

personally I am not for people having the best gear immediately, it is way way easier now as it is to level up/do quests/etc. hopefully the character rework will bring some life back into PvP though.


Master Sergeant
Let's wait for the 04.July 2023 Independence Day! What InnoGame has for surprise. Means about 2 week wait :P They know our wishes and dreams. Can not be so difficult? Or is it? :njub:

I'm also waiting for the trading cards! The where I see were too expensive! 1Milli for only 1 trading card :annoyed:


personally I am not for people having the best gear immediately, it is way way easier now as it is to level up/do quests/etc. hopefully the character rework will bring some life back into PvP though.
I kind of have to disagree with this, because gear is so disproportionately important now. I'm not saying the best sets should be on sale at all times, but it should be something competitive that a returning player can buy to jump back in immediately with.
It's only easy and fast to level up to a certain point, and it's highly dependent on how good your exp set and/or church exp is. I'm thinking of a scenario where a formerly max level character is coming back, with a Scout's or a Hombre's as their best fort gear - some all-yellow monstrosity as their duel set, which i'd guess is about 1000-2500 skill points off the current meta sets.

I think there should be a, probably new, non-upgradable, set in the shop which is about as strong as a level 0 meta PvP set for every style of play.
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John Wick

Private First Class
Because I keep reading this in different threads

If I had to level with duels, then I could create 3-5 levels at most (unless you are +150 then maybe only 1-2 levels) until my duel level would be way too high, so that I would be:
a) the duel level is much too high for my level and so I can't advance
b) have no chance against new opponents, because of their level and sets
c) have no opponents at all (ko themself)

The duel level should be abolished! The duel level should remain in my opinion only a symbol to be able to realistically estimate "how strong my opponent could be".Dueling should be made dependent on the level +/- 10 levels maybe?

I personally duel only with 10-20% motivation and reduce my duel level daily to be able to have opponents at all. So I duel for 10min for incredible 50-250 EXP. What does this bring us?

We don't need to discuss about fort battles at all...


exactly what the town shops used to be, and are again?
Well that crap is upgradable and imbalanced. I also wouldn't "jump right in" to PvP again wearing level 1 shop gear, and in-game currency is the only option.

We don't need to discuss about fort battles at all...
As big of a duelling fan that I will always be... Duels effect just two players at a time, verses hundreds... It's clear to me where the priority should be. Subjectively.
I agree that duel levels should be abolished for the sake of actually having people to duel without losing duels on purpose, but I don't know necessarily about exp rewards... I'd always pick zero motivation because duelling for cash with many targets > duelling for exp with few targets - and the nature of casino-dress-up-simulator is such that the very top of duelling PvP is completely unobtainable unless you spend a lot of money at the right events that gave the right set.
You can have "Star Players" on a team, but Forts are still about the team ultimately, and that helps to hide the inadequacies of the modern West.
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Master Sergeant
I think it's time to get a better building set, since the "big update" was introduced the churches have grown considerably and the current sets can no longer handle them. The last good building set was G. Cortez 3 years ago. Since then, we got Paden which was a mediocre set, slightly above Cortez, but there was already 2 years difference between them. Paden's set has only 2% more work points at church building than Cortez. Yes. Only 2% extra! Patrick's set (at least the clothes) was better than Paden, but it was a free set, so unactionable and non-upgradeable, so inferior to upgraded Paden or even upgraded Cortez. Not to mention that some players were not active during the event period and couldn't get it, because it is unauctionable. A better build set is needed, a considerable upgrade over Paden and Cortez, and DotD seems to me the ideal event for a build set. What do you guys think?


Lance Corporal
  • we could use a Reflex (or Toughness or even both) duel set for dotd, something like James Brooks but much better (reflex and/or toughness, aiming, a little bit of appearance and just as much vigor) and of course a drop bonus so its possible to farm just a bit better when in duel gear
  • we could also use another charlie siringo set, that would be a bit buffed and could be a free set, with added setting traps
  • and finally a new set focused only on Hunting Foxes job (which is the best by money and xp and luck) that would give in total 170%
    XP, 170% Money, around 500 labor points and 100% luck
(of course this is all a rough idea, i'd love it if we had a running thread where we could make suggestions for what sets we'd like to see on the next event, so that HQ doesnt have to make them up on their own @Loki)

leave the church set as a christmas set, i'd say


Master Sergeant
which is the best by money and xp and luck
Not really. Only for money and xp. Robbing a weapon trader is better overall. Much more luck for a bit less money. But yeah, a decent set for this job would be nice, but useless if you can't change your set with your xp/money one :))

we could use a Reflex (or Toughness or even both) duel set for dotd, something like James Brooks but much better (reflex and/or toughness, aiming, a little bit of appearance and just as much vigor) and of course a drop bonus so its possible to farm just a bit better when in duel gear
We already have one. Nat for reflex aiming vigor and polly cooper's boots and belt for t/r and aiming. You can combine these 2 items with blue waupee blouse, green silk necklace and pants and fancy leather hat. And that's your t/r aiming set. You can replace pants and/or boots with purple waupee's for appearance and vigor (but you're losing aiming) if you want to.


Lance Corporal
Not really. Only for money and xp. Robbing a weapon trader is better overall. Much more luck for a bit less money. But yeah, a decent set for this job would be nice, but useless if you can't change your set with your xp/money one :))
yeah, its the 5th best job by maximum base luck, but still with those bonuses it would be nice.

Emma Swan

I dont think that we need another church building set. Church, besides lack of programming, is one of the biggest problems why this game is dead, or almost dead, because I am a half cup full possitive woman. Logically if somebody cant reach church must search for other options where to get XP.

I agree with Dublik, that we need proper resistance dueling sets. What we have now is dueling set made by pieces from events sets or town shop. It would be nice just use whole set for dueling. We do have proper complete sets for jobs, building, forts, why not duels? Hunter is old, Brooks is crap, nat works well only against polly set, horse ride is usable, you have to mix it with pearls belt or shoes, than waupees violet clothes which are nicely expensive, the best resistance guns are premium weapons etc....

My opinion for Dios is 3 sets.
1 Fortbattle set dmg for both sides, something like Murrieta/ron but stronger,
2. Tank set also for att/def,
3. Dueling set def/att resistance.

Free set bit stronger as Revere is and you have good sets to have normal start of new servers.

No Xp. no Drop and for sure no adventure set, there is high chance to get Skeleton or Columbia or Cortez, no church, new server has to start with PVP not PvE! We all are crying for PvP boost yet asking for church set. I dont understand....

We also need sector bonuses in FF. Sousa is too strong even for new leavenworth set to be honest. Unless you are a soldier with massive HP, you still cant hold long enough to dodge nice number. But underline, we can still try make better sets, but we all know this game has no good balance. Rework character bonuses, rewrite some numbers, use brain and make this game playable.

PS: No matter which set are you going to release, each must have bonus XP because we are not going to live enough to gain 250 lvl lol :D

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
I don't think we need another Building set , most of us have Cortez +3 by now or Paden +1/+2 , I have Cortez +3 and I can build 700 level church with no problem and I have +2.5k extra work points so I can keep building for probably another year or 2 or probably more even more than that. I mean anyone above 160 with those sets will be able to build very high level church with no problem if they have all skills on construction that is. For lower levels just build lower level Church.

There's to many T/R sets at the moment that are less than 2 years old and they are all somewhat useful.

In my opinion I feel like we actually need a better set for farming products, I am not trolling, sure the skeleton came last year BUT , there are only 2 good choices for product drop sets , Fisherman which is 3 years old and Skeleton which is slightly better on clothes. Sure there are many combinations that can give you a better bonus but not all of the players spend money on the game to buy all new nugget stuff ( for example Benedict Arnold ). Skeleton is very expensive to buy from market and fisherman is the most cheap way to go for , it gives a decent bonus but it's not that great anymore, I won't even mention Hancock set. I believe 3 good product sets would be better, more choices to play with.

P.s. Of course I'm not saying that if a new product drop set comes out should be better than skeleton but at least come close to it bonus % wise.


Master Sergeant
most of us have Cortez +3 by now or Paden +1/+2
What do you understand by most of us? You and some friends with a lot of money? Most people I see building churches had either cortez/paden +0 or patrick +0. And many others don't own any building set. I barely see few players from thousands from my market with cortez/paden +3.
There's to many T/R sets at the moment that are less than 2 years old and they are all somewhat useful.
Here I fully agree.
In my opinion I feel like we actually need a better set for farming products
Not only did we get the Skeleton set which is great and also works well with the Chef's hat, but we got other very good items with a 30% drop (rochambeau boots and belt, 15 year anniversary necklace), the drop set made from pieces is better than ever.

To be honest, at this point in the game, I don't feel that we need any new sets. We simply have everything for everyone. What is missing, in my opinion, is a better speed horse set and a horse set with more tactics, but the last one could come to complete the oktoberfest male set. Apart from that, it seems to me that we have everything. I would rather have some changes in pvp and character classes.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
Not only did we get the Skeleton set which is great and also works well with the Chef's hat, but we got other very good items with a 30% drop (rochambeau boots and belt, 15 year anniversary necklace), the drop set made from pieces is better than ever.

Sure there are many combinations that can give you a better bonus but not all of the players spend money on the game to buy all new nugget stuff ( for example Benedict Arnold ).

What do you understand by most of us? You and some friends with a lot of money? Most people I see building churches had either cortez/paden +0 or patrick +0. And many others don't own any building set. I barely see few players from thousands from my market with cortez/paden +3.
In most old worlds a lot of players have at least +2 cortez and +1 paden , it's really not that hard to find since they are both 2+ years old. Those who have +0 are the ones that don't really build high level Church and it's fine I guess for low levels.

P.s. I haven't spent any $ in this game for the past 2 years ( excluding VIP ) , most of my sets are accumulated by trades with other worlds and with market purchases and with Xmas event. You don't have to spend thousands of euros in this game , sure you won't have everything when they get released but you have the chance of getting everything once a year so that's why you always save your bonds and try to farm at least 50M every year for xmas event , and with sets like Gibson and Revere farming 50M is like a child's game.
Not only did we get the Skeleton set which is great and also works well with the Chef's hat, but we got other very good items with a 30% drop (rochambeau boots and belt, 15 year anniversary necklace), the drop set made from pieces is better than ever.

Chef's hat and rochambeau items were nugget items, and the 15th anniversary necklace was only available to those that got the forum contest correct the day it was a prize, so I don't think there are a lot of people with those items. A lot of us didn't get a full skeleton set either and haven't been able to complete that set due to the cost of those that do show up on the market. I save my bonds and money for Christmas and still haven't got a whole Cortez set either.


Staff Sergeant
What is missing, in my opinion, is a better speed horse set
I dont think we need. I own a Gringo horse set, and a diffefence between the Gringo and currently the second best horse set is only a few second. (From the ghost town to the other side of map)