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Is allowed?

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Good day
Is it allowed for the game support or admin of the west to play or be influenced by another player from the west and ban me based on that?
I play on the Slovak web sk22, I am an honest player and the game support is interested in my person, I got a false ban, interestingly, the day after my game on the web was reserved, I was done. This is player Rel. Is it actually allowed for game support or admin to play the game? thank you, have a nice day


Good day
Is it allowed for the game support or admin of the west to play or be influenced by another player from the west and ban me based on that?
I play on the Slovak web sk22, I am an honest player and the game support is interested in my person, I got a false ban, interestingly, the day after my game on the web was reserved, I was done. This is player Rel. Is it actually allowed for game support or admin to play the game? thank you, have a nice day
Yes, it is allowed to play admin or any team member of game to play the game.
"False" ban doesent exists, any type of ban you got was justified. You can write solid reason to try "unban". But good luck.


and can you advise me who to turn to, who is the direct superior of admins or support? well thank you


and can you advise me who to turn to, who is the direct superior of admins or support? well thank you
You can normally write the reason to unban and it will redirect you to head admin of the game. You have to wait to their ansfer.
But it depends what type of ban you got, the reason of ban. Some time you dont have chance to get your account unabnned.
I went to check your profile on this server what you wrote up before "I am an honest player", but it doesent looks like that by your profile, anyways im not here to judge.


Lance Corporal
This isn't aimed at anyone here or about the thread i'm just hijacking this thread to post my opinion since it's loosly related.

The rules give justification to ban you for almost anything & are only enforced if someone dislikes you enough to report it. Also historically since the start of TW there has been alot of moderator corruption, spawning items, giving information on other players & not allowing others into mod teams. So I think it's very fair that you may feel its unjust or because of corruption.

I've seen alot of people complain about these things over the years (excluding the weird trolls) and I always see people attack the person complaining. I dont know why people are so quick to bootlick moderators & admins when it's perfectly acceptable to feel like you've been mistreated or its unfair and completely possible that they're corrupt or unjust.

Yeah there's a few trolls here and there that just shout "why was I banned F this mod!!!" after saying the most heinous things known to man but that shouldn't make you self police anyone. Power should always be regulated by the masses, they dont need you to defend them by putting others down they already have god powers from InnoGames.

No offense to any feds. :up:

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
Like @PVP is DEAD said, admins/mods are allowed to play the game and be in alliances and trade with other players etc , just because they are mods doesn't mean they shouldn't play the game. Also like @FreeHugs said , corruption is real and unfortunately is everywhere and you cannot do anything about it.

When you get banned they give you the reason of the ban , if you believe you are innocent then you can give evidence to clear your name , bare in mind this examples. If someone report something bad that you said in saloon chat or in chat in general, support can see what you said exactly so trying to clear that is impossible as they have evidence. If you got reported for pushing it's also visible to the support and they also have evidence for that so the ban again is justifiable. if you got reported for using some kind of Levelscript then a different approach is taken by the support, they again have every tools to check if you indeed use a Levelscript, they can determine it by checking the timings of all your actions. I agree that sometimes they might do a genuine mistake and ban someone that doesn't have a life and only does 15s jobs , it's hard for the supporters too to determine if you are using a script or not. Of course now that they added a script detection is much easier but someone can hide a script very easily if they know how. If you are indeed clear then you can try to justify by giving very clear evidence of why you are.

Other than that, good luck. :up:


Good day
Is it allowed for the game support or admin of the west to play or be influenced by another player from the west and ban me based on that?
I play on the Slovak web sk22, I am an honest player and the game support is interested in my person, I got a false ban, interestingly, the day after my game on the web was reserved, I was done. This is player Rel. Is it actually allowed for game support or admin to play the game? thank you, have a nice day

sure they are allowed to play the game - but they are not allowed to play on worlds on which they are supporting..


Lance Corporal
Good day
Is it allowed for the game support or admin of the west to play or be influenced by another player from the west and ban me based on that?
I play on the Slovak web sk22, I am an honest player and the game support is interested in my person, I got a false ban, interestingly, the day after my game on the web was reserved, I was done. This is player Rel. Is it actually allowed for game support or admin to play the game? thank you, have a nice day
what the hell are you even talking about :D i am not an admin, you play adventures with your multiaccounts and thats not even why you got banned, from what i have seen you got banned for something homophobic in your profile


@Dreamman forgot to mention the basic thing besides what a serious player he is. He regularly uses a clicker, goes on adventures with a multi-accounts, threatened a player to kill him and also relentlessly insults the LGBT community. You somehow forgot about this, Vladko. I wish a good day to everyone except this poor guy.


@Dreamman profil:

in it he insults two players that they are gay and that they have oiled asses and are not afraid to use them.

make up your own mind about this psychopath. Well thank you.

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