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Changelog 2.220 - Discussion


Master Sergeant
How and why is it requested to create a support ticket? The reason is that it can help and typographical errors and other errors can be corrected more quickly than in the forum. Beta is not a normal forum. Beta is a test world. That's why you don't get much response from the team in the forum. You will only receive an answer from the team to your worlds in the forum. Since it has more mod than beta. We have to help each other and make suggestions and not the team. Help is only available if there is an error, but only if there is a ticket!


Master Sergeant
PS: I said next week or after IFBC4. Nobody believed in the baggy :( Grunt could be the IFBC4 :njub: as well as the update which is eagerly awaited. Maybe it has an influence on who you do the sale and update on. How ABT game is banned on the event server weighing the loot chests. It could be that the sale and update everything comes after IFBC4.


Master Sergeant
As far as I know, there are 2 event servers open and it's also possible that payday isn't until April 25th. Easter Sale has always been Duck April. Since February 29th is a leap year, everything has been postponed


Master Sergeant
Do you see what I mean? Calendar for Easter

Easter Sunday April 20th, 2025 and Easter Monday April 21st, 2025.
April 5, 2026 Easter & Easter Sunday April 6, 2026 Easter Monday.
March 28, 2027 Easter Sunday and March 29, 2027 Easter Monday


almost a month passed and we dont have actionable easter items..... this update take 10 seconds to code , just a no - changed to yes in code line .... how many years you need for this?


Master Sergeant
@kilaritul Reading isn't your strong point it looks like? Easter event takes place in March and early April. It can be based on the fact that the sale lasts 3 weeks. Instead of 2 weeks! I can predict a bet now! That in 2026 and 2027 there will be arguments about when the sale will come!


@kilaritul Reading isn't your strong point it looks like? Easter event takes place in March and early April. It can be based on the fact that the sale lasts 3 weeks. Instead of 2 weeks! I can predict a bet now! That in 2026 and 2027 there will be arguments about when the sale will come!
You dint read what i said... I didnt talk about any sale, easter item cant be sold at market,we need it to complete the sets....If they wait more we soon catch summer events


Master Sergeant
You dint read what i said... I didnt talk about any sale, easter item cant be sold at market,we need it to complete the sets....If they wait more we soon catch summer events
Update is also part of it. as well as sales and purchases on the world market and nugget sale %, everything is included!


Master Sergeant
I only see one person continously questioning sales and shit, and thats you baggy:njub:
It's a shame, it's not allowed to offend, otherwise I would have done it! I don't question anything, you do. I tell it like it is and why it takes longer than usual. You don't accept my answer. Why does @Loki or @ChickenMcGuy always have to give an answer when it's actually logical?