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Resistance movement


Well im bored and need to do something else here now and i was thinking about taking up fortfighting again.

But looking at the towns here it looks like only a few towns have all the forts !
Fortfights are only fun if there are more then one side fighting.

So i was wondering if there are anyone out there interested in stabbing your old allies in the back and join a resistance movement ?
( to even things up a little )
and make them fight to hold their forts.

If not are there any small towns out there who enjoy a good fortfight every now and then that is not apart of the big few.
I need a invite i have not fired my fort gun in a long time and my trigger finger is itching.


the biggest problem with fort fights on beta is the lack of space, i gave them up here months ago because unless your a hp tank you get "all places were already taken" time after time.so unless they change the amount who can participate to that of normal worlds i cant see much changing


Well...I'm interested...I have a new account now,I was a worker but I made a fort fighter just for testing on battles and I don't want to waste this opportunity,ofcourse,in case this is manageable. So,I'm interested,you can PM me with the details if you already have some. I'm still just level 23 but as soon as I reach 30 I will be ready to battle.